

Just a quick update. The Noodle had her one year check-up last week and, once again, is living up to her nickname. She's 30 inches (a little over the 75th percentile) and 17 lbs., 13 oz. (under the 5th percentile). A wiry little thing.

The doc had told us she was just under the 10th percentile but, after looking at the chart 100 times myself, I think his maturing eyes may have deceived him a bit. At any rate, she's exactly 10 pounds and 9.5 inches more than she was a birth. Hopefully, with summer will come a long, illness-free stretch of time where she can concentrate on packing on some pounds. If only we were all lucky enough to have her problem!

Here's a pic of Zoe before the poking and prodding began.

A big thanks to Rich for doing shot duty while I cowered in the waiting room. I fully intended to suck-it-up (as Rich would say) and stay in the room while the shots were administered. But the nurse, knowing my background, warned me that these shots were particularly "sting-y" (is that a medical term?) and it would probably be best if I "stepped out."

Judging from Zoe's high-pitched wail heard in the waiting room and the furthest regions of the county... "sting-y" must have been an understatement.

Still, she mustered a smile for the receptionist on the way out. Gotta love that kid.

So, all is well here. Hope it is there, too.

Take care,
Zoe's mama


Anonymous said...

She's not wiry. She's petite. Her daddy was slight like her. Just give her a year at college. She'll fill out. : )

Zoe's busia

Anonymous said...

But she is so much easier to carry at this weight. And the way she tries to eat my sandwiches, you would think she would be packing on the pounds.


Anonymous said...

That's true about being easier to carry. Has Richard Scott started to carry Zoe around on his shoulders yet? That used to be Katie's absolute favorite place to be - sitting up high on her daddy's shoulders. He would have loved for Katie to have been in the lower percentiles! I think Zoe looks adorable no matter what! :)
Cousin Cindy