

The kid has something to say:

nnnn6666666666666666 nn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoi8 r,k’

000000000000000000000000000000000566666666b 65 n5 vveeeebvz3333UUYUUUUUUUUuuukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


I found her use of the < Shift > key to be quite advanced... as well as her mastery of both letters and numbers. Many children her age would have strictly focused on one or the other.

Pure genius. Genius, I tell you.


Anonymous said...

Look how she's concentrating too. Very intense and so serious trying to get just the right words.

Another writer (like her daddy) or another English major(like her Dziadz and great uncle) in the family perhaps?????

Anonymous said...

How cute it that?????.

Does this mean she will need a lap top for kindergarten?

Zoe's Busia

Anonymous said...

Too funny! She does look like a pro, indeed. Must have been watching daddy all these months! (Was going to write years and then realized that wouldn't be appropriate! :) I look forward to reading her posts soon telling us about the crazy things her mom and dad are doing.

I knew we should have gotten Katie more of those Baby Einstein products....

Cousin Cindy

Anonymous said...

I don't know Cindy. Katie is a pretty smart cookie. She did just fine without them (or with some of them). If they think they are too smart, they won't listen to mom and dad.

Zoe's Busia

Anonymous said...

Now I know how you have time to get those golf stats done! You've got an assistant!!

Cobbler Ct.

Emily and Zachary's mom said...

Amazing... she'll never know that a diary used to be a book hidden under your bed. Do you find yourself saying "when I was her age.." stuff yet?

Anonymous said...

Yesterday after my first reading of Zoe's blog entry I commented on her intensity. I pondered her comments all day and evening and while I am still not quite sure what the little columnist was trying to tell me I noted, that like any good writer, Zoe may not have been as thrilled with her first draft as we thought. In evidence I offer line 8: read it closely and somewhere in the middle is a great big "YYUuKK". For the record I am very happy she worked through it and published anyway. Great Auntie JMJ

Anonymous said...

Great Auntie JMJ. I guess you had to be a grade school teacher and correct papers for a lot of years to spot that word. And here I thought it was just a bunch of jibberish.

Zoe's Busia

Anonymous said...

just wondering if you took ZOE to see THE DA VINCI CODE ? i'm sure there's a message hidden there.