
The Graduate

Wednesday, May 19th, Zoe graduated from preschool.

Zoe and her classmates performed some songs,

received a diploma,

ate some ice cream

and tried to see how many kids could fit in a wooden rocking boat (apparently, that number is nine).

Zoe enjoyed herself at graduation and now, almost daily, asks when summer will be over so she can start kindergarten. I'm not as ready as she is!

Mitchell and Alyse will miss going to Zoe's preschool.

I think they'll both miss her terribly once she's in school all day (especially Alyse).

Take care,
ZMA's mama


Stephanie said...

Congrats Zoe. Wish I could have been there.

busia said...

Great pictures of all the kids. What a happy little group. Congratulations Zoe. On to bigger and better things. I hope kindergarten is ready for you. :)

Adams Family said...

Congrats Zoe on your Graduation! Great pics!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Zoe you look so grown up now that your almost in school. Love, Honey