

Sorry for the long absence. We've been busy. Blah, blah, blah. No excuses, just lots of pictures.

I downloaded over 200 pictures last week that span the last weekend of May to the last weekend in June. Following are the highlights.

Maiden voyage of the Slip 'n Slide. Since our yard in on a slope, you can catch air at the end. Ask Rich (sorry, no photos of that)!

Mitchell preferred the puddles that formed at the bottom of the hill ...

and Alyse was happiest, as usual, climbing.

Next up on June's activity calendar, Aunt Steph's Bay City shower.

The luggage cart became a diversion for restless kids waiting for the big event.

The guest of honor opening gifts.

Sights and Sounds on Thursdays in Chelsea (music playing in every nook and cranny of the town and lots for kids to enjoy).

Zoe watching a magician.

Alyse and Mitchell enjoying an ice cream cone.

The family watching a band. I think that quiet moment lasted about 30 seconds.

Next up was Father's Day spent in Bay City.

Here's Alyse attempting to do exactly what I told her she couldn't do, play with Busia's computer.

Mitchell and Alyse playing in the bird bath. Thank goodness that's fresh water.

I tried to get a picture of the kids with Dziadzia or daddy, but they wouldn't sit still (the kids, not Dziadzia and daddy).

We also had cake for Rich's half birthday. No, we don't celebrate every ones half birthday in our family, just Rich's, since it falls four days before Christmas.

Zoe handing out cake.

Mitchell asking me to wipe his hand (he's a tidy little guy).

Alyse, on the other hand, is not at all concerned with the state of her hands and face.

The girls ready to make the journey home.

Mitchell, doing some last minute watering. Obviously, he's going to get his green thumb from Busia and Daddy.

A random shot of Mitchell and Alyse asking for a ride in the laundry basket before bath time.

On to the main event in June - my nephew, Michael's wedding in Saugatuck.

Zoe was the flower girl. She was beyond thrilled.

Mitchell gives a thumbs up.

Alyse is just mad she's being restrained for a moment and Zoe is always camera-ready.

We ended up watching the ceremony from a good distance since the kids weren't cooperating.

At least it gave me the opportunity to get a great shot of the newly married couple.

Zoe with my nieces, Alix and Danni.

The entire attending Honeycutt clan.

We stayed in Holland an extra day to have a mini-vacation.

We have to say thank you to Busia and Dziadzia for staying with the kids the night of the wedding and into the next day.

The kids had a ball in the hotel pool.

They also loved the beach the next day.

We set up camp in the shade...

and took a walk down to the water.

Then had a very sandy lunch.

The lighthouse.

The view from the end of the pier.

Now I just need to download the fourth of July pictures. That might happen by August 1st!

Take care,
ZMA's mama


busia said...

Great pictures and fun times. Kind of sorry now we didn't stick around for the trip to the beach. It looks beautiful. Maybe next time. ♥

Anonymous said...

What fun you've had this summer and it's just started. The pictures are beautiful wish I was there for everyone of them. Beautiful! love you all, mom

Unknown said...

beautiful pictures! i'm impressed you take so many and keep track of everything...i think i have about 5 of bobby's first year!