
Annual Check-ups and a Newaygo Trip

I'm going to begin this post with a little information I post for my own personal record.

The kids had their Well Child visits on April 29th.

First up was Zoe. She's 40 lbs. and 42 1/4 inches (52nd/44th) and all is well. Only one shot for her and she took it like a champ.

One more bit of information on Zoe unrelated to the doctor visit, she had Kindergarten orientation on May 4th. Far from the shy wallflower we used to know, instead of clinging to my leg she spotted friends quickly and was off and running. I think she's going to love it.

Mitchell is 24 lbs. 11 1/2 oz. and 35 inches (11th/63th). He's stayed on his growth curve and is also doing well.

Alyse is 23 lbs. 10 1/2 oz. and 34 1/4 inches (11th/59th). No worries with her either.

Now for the less technical news.

The kids and I headed to Newaygo last weekend for a family event. Over the course of a couple days, we celebrated the kids' birthdays (again), attended a bridal shower for my nephew's fiancee and played at my sister's daycare. Following are some photographic highlights.

Take care,
ZMA's mama


Unknown said...

Thanks for the wonderful weekend we all enjoyed you and the kids. Love the blog they are so darn cute! Mom

Adams Family said...

Sure was great week end! So glad you made the trek up to the compound! I think that The Trampoline and The Center were the kids highlights! Once again, all Shaney's !!! hahaha
Love you all!

Stephanie said...

Mitchell looks like he was in truck heaven.

busia said...

Love the hugging sisters. So cute.