
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday

Welcome to the Annual April Birthday Edition of Mini Van --Max Fun.

With Zoe born April 24th and Mitchell and Alyse born April 14th (16 minutes apart), this month will forever be full of celebrations. While they're young and not as opinionated, we have lumped them together and celebrated them all the weekend between the 14th and 24th. Until they complain, I'm sticking with it.

My camera battery pooped out, so I almost missed marking the occasion with pictures, but luckily Mom was there to snap away for me. Thanks, Mom!

Here's what I hope will be a new tradition (when we remember to do it). All three kids by the Weeping Cherry Tree.

We opened gifts youngest to oldest, so Alyse went first.

As you can see, she's a budding artist.

She's also smart as a whip (whatever that means). She counts (in English and Spanish - thanks to Dora) and knows every color you put in front of her. She's got a great vocabulary, too.

She's a quirky little thing and full of energy. A bit of a loner, but so sweet. She likes to give what I call drive-by-hugs. She'll be running around like crazy but will stop to find the legs of whatever parent, grandparent or aunt is on hand, wraps her arms around their legs, bury her face and squeeze as hard as she can for about two seconds, then she's off and running again.

She always wants to go outside to see her "fwends" and likes being wherever things are happening, but is still happiest playing alone and can entertain herself for a long time. Her favorite places to play are the closets, the cribs (hers or her brothers) and behind the dollhouse.

Right now, it's all about vehicles with Mitchell. Trains, trucks, cars - he loves them all.

If he doesn't have a truck, train or car to play with, he's looking at a book about them.
Another current favorite are his Sponge Bob Crocs bought for him by Aunt Shawnie last summer (they were too big then). I pulled them out this spring to see if we could use them for water shoes this summer and he went nuts. I'm not sure why, but he wants to wear them 24/7. He would sleep in them if we let him (and sometimes, we do).

He also loves his sisters. If they aren't up when he gets up (he's my early riser), he asks where they are. He's actually closer to Zoe than Alyse right now. He adores her and, fortunately, puts up with her form of play - which usually consists of him being the dog and fetching!

He's making strides in talking and becoming easier to understand, as long as you operate under the assumption that "pas ca" is fast car! He's still a cuddler and that, I hope, never changes.

Zoe. My little 5-year-old teenager. I would have never guessed that my quiet, mild-mannered little baby would become such a funny, spunky handful at 5.

There's not enough room to keep up with some of the anecdotes she's added to our repertoire. If you follow Rich on Facebook, I'm sure you've heard a few.

She was thrilled with this purse and has wanted to take it everywhere since receiving it. I think she thinks of it as more of a "big girl" purse.

This year, Zoe wanted a bike. Her biggest concern was that it have a My Little Pony bike bell. I looked all over for one, but it didn't exist without a My Little Pony bike attached to it and we were trying to stay away from character themed bikes. One silver bell and one puffy My Little Pony sticker later and she got her wish and seems totally fine with my solution.

Three kids, three cakes.

For Alyse, a Dora cake. Notice Mitchell trying to help Alyse blow out the candles.

For Mitchell, a truck cake.

And for Zoe, a Care Bear cake - just like last year. Zo Zo likes to stick with what works.

Digging in...

Lastly, Zoe's first bike ride. Bliss!

And just like that, we're the parents of a 5-year-old and a pair of 2-year-olds.

Take care,
ZMA's mama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could they get any cuter or funnier I just love being with them. I think you two have an actress (drama), an artist, and a race car driver or maybe a truck driver. Just what you wanted them to be huh! Loved the party now they get another one when you all come north.