
March and Easter

Purged the camera recently. Here are some highlights.

We celebrated January, February and March birthdays with my family during the second week of March. Mitchell was quite excited. Here he is with Honey, awaiting some cake.

Zoe was thrilled to have my family at the house. Here she is with Uncle Tommy and cousin Sid, playing with a balloon.

Alyse, on the other hand, was not immediately thrilled with the Honeycutt clan. She was a bit overwhelmed. This is how she handled the crowd, by hiding in Zoe's room behind her dollhouse. She did, eventually, warm up.

Here is a shot of some of the birthday crew, minus cousins Alix and Sid.

Like I mentioned, Mitchell was excited for cake. He even kissed it. If you look closely, you can still see the evidence on his lips.

Unfortunately, we didn't know he was going to completely lose it when we cut into the cake. He wanted the whole thing to himself and refused to even take a bite of the slice we offered him.

The cake was what broke the ice with Alyse. If you've seen the video on Facebook, you know "she LOVES chocolate!"

The following weekend was Zoe's last of four gymnastics classes at Chelsea's Super Saturday.

On March 27, my friend Dani and her daughter, Lily, invited us to a play performed by the Wild Swan Theater. It was so cute and the girls both loved it. We tried to get them to pose with the big bad wolf (kneeling in the background), but her performance was so convincing that the girls were a afraid to get too close.

On to Easter!

The Saturday before Easter, we participated in an Easter Egg hunt held on the grounds of a community retirement home. Despite the look on Alyse's face, she was as excited as her siblings as we got ready to go.

A photo-op with the Easter bunny. Alyse wasn't trying to get away from the bunny, she was trying to get at the box of prizes on the ground. Mitchell and Zoe picked little bunnies while Alyse opted for a duck.

No pictures of the hunt. That thing was cutthroat! Seasoned hunter descended on those eggs like locusts, so if you weren't quick, you got nothin'!

The hunt at our house was decidedly more low-key and, in my opinion, more enjoyable.

Zoe with her loot.

Mitchell asking Daddy to open his red truck.

Alyse carefully examines the contents of her basket.

Zoe flying her kite in the field across the street ...

... and playing softball with Dad in our front yard.

Hope your Spring has been as fun-filled as ours.

Take care,
ZMA's mama


Anonymous said...

alright some more photos. I was thinking that nothing happens in chelsea. Love the kite!!

busia said...

You will have to sign Alyse up for the next gymnastic class as she was doing somersaults like crazy yesterday. :)

Anonymous said...

Who are the spectators in the last photo?

Anonymous said...

Love seeing the kids in action on Easter. Looks like the Easter Bunny was good to them. Shawn actually saw him bring the baskets to our home did they see him??? Zoe looks like she can really hit that ball guess she needs to join a softball team now.

Adams Family said...

Love all the pictures! Sure was a fun birthday party. Can't wait to see you again!