
Happy Birthday to Me

On Saturday, I became 39 years old. To celebrate, Rich and I took the kids to the Hands On Museum in Ann Arbor. Happy kids = happy mom.

Rich and Zoe made me the traditional Rezler "Busia" cake. My favorite. Can you tell we're all excited about it?

I wrapped up the day with my dearest friends, pizza, more cake and five adorable little kids.

Take care,
ZMA's mama


Adams Family said...

Sure looks like fun was had by all! Dani's little boy is the spitting image (only larger) of her daughter! You are so right !! 5 adorable kids!
Still can not believe my baby sister is 39! We are now forever the same age! hahahaha

busia said...

Is that beautiful necklace you are wearing one of your gifts?

Anonymous said...

What? You're 39? I didn't know you were that old.

Big Daddy

Unknown said...

Love seeing you all it seems like a year ago that we were with you. See you soon. love mom and dad