
Daddy/Daughter Dance, 2010

Rich called it the Daddy Watch Daughter Dance. Having made so many friends over the summer and this school year, Zoe left Rich to fend for himself with the other lonely dads.

This is in stark contrast to last year. Zoe cowered by Rich most of the night. Plus, she looks so grown up it makes me misty.

Take care,
ZMA's mama


Adams Family said...

She looks so pretty!! And I agree, GROWN up!!! Glad to hear she had a great time with her friends!

busia said...

What a handsome couple. But wait!!
Where's Zoe's corsage? And where did they dine before the dance? We need more information. :)

Stephanie said...

Very beautiful. Looks like she has lip gloss on? Hope she won't be too old to dance with her aunt this summer at the wedding.

Stephanie said...

Oh, and daddy looks very handsome too.

ZMA's mama said...

I guess I was a little light on details.
They dined at her favorite (in Chelsea), Big Boy. She got her corsage at the dance. A pink Carnation. It's in the fridge because she insisted on keeping it fresh so Busia can see it.
Steph, it was vitamin e oil on her lips. She's got that lovely cracked, flakey, red-rimmed thing going on again.

busia said...

Hmmm.. Maybe I'll bring mine from your wedding and we can swap corsage stories Wednesday. :)

Anonymous said...

Daddy and daughter are looking good!