
Snow Day

February 10, 2010.

Pulled out my old bag of tricks from my child care days. This is my makeshift sensory area.

One one hand, it kept the kids occupied for over a half hour. That's rare. On the other hand, we're still finding brown rice, barely and lentils on the floor.

Zoe was overjoyed with the vast amount of snow and spent time playing with neighbors.

Mitchell and Alyse desperately wanted to play in the snow too. We gave it a good try, but it lasted about 15 minutes. They couldn't walk in the deep snow and they weren't happy on the sidelines. Plus, keeping mittens on little hands is nearly impossible.

The solution:

Mitchell, Alyse and I were warm and to refill the tray, I only had to open the slider and lean out.

Take care,
ZMA's mama


Stephanie said...

I see the twins were good so far with no "white washes" given out to each other.

busia said...

Alyse is playing in her snow, but all the while keeping her eyes on the patio door watching the kids playing outside. Sooooo sad. :(