

Sharing is something that is not always a strength with Mitchell and Alyse, so I had to post this rare moment.

Mitchell has always been more of a picky eater than Alyse. Lately, he's chosen to display his lack of enthusiasm for some of our food choices by flinging whatever he doesn't want to eat across the room. I know most toddlers go through a phase of throwing food, but the zeal with which he is currently pitching his meals makes me think he's practicing for a future in sports.

Having tried many different tactics and at my wits end, at this meal I decided not to fight with him and took him down from his highchair before he'd even taken a bite (not that he could have after skillfully spreading his meal all over).

Once Alyse had reached the dessert portion of her meal, I think Mitchell came to regret his decision not to eat and stared longingly at Alyse's fruit cocktail. Alyse took pity and...

She fed the whole cup to him and also shared the second cup I gave to her. I was just thrilled that Mitchell was eating! No, it's not an ideal solution, but sometimes you just have to go with what works the moment.

Take care,
ZMA's mama


busia said...

Oh, that is too cute. What a good sister.

Stephanie said...

I sympathize with your struggle but it was hard not to laugh tonight after he chose to throw his food once he added the "hands up in the air and Ta-Da"