

Below is a picture of Zoe with her recently recovered balloon blanket (her favorite lovey).

The blanket is around fourteen years old (I believe) and was handed down from my cousin that had inherited it from her sister's two girls. Though far from an heirloom, it is well-loved and worn and Zoe is still strongly attached to it. It was lost over Christmas at my parents house and Zoe was devastated.

A while ago, my sister found it iced into my parent's driveway. Both my mother and her had looked for it countless times, but never thought to look in the spot it was found. She carefully excised it from an icy tomb with boiling water and a knife. What she found when she was finished was a hole-filled remnant of Zoe's favorite blanket.

She did the best she could with what was left and now Zoe loves it even more. She says it's "More specialer than ever!" and I'd have to agree.

Thank you, Aunt Shawn. Hope you know how much we appreciate Balloon's safe return.

ZMA's mama

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Way to save the day Aunt Shawn.