
For You, Mom and Dad!

I've been awful about taking pictures lately, so I made a point to snap a few this weekend. My parents are in Mexico and Mom is jonesing for some new pictures of her Chelsea grand kids. So, this one is for you, Mom!

For some reason, Mitchell is into making funny faces lately. I blame Yo Gabba Gabba (a very strange children's program - kind of like Mister Rodgers on acid). They have a segment in which the kids copy DJ Lance's funny-face-making. This is Mitchell's...

And this is Alyse's.

I know in that warm weather you can't imagine purposely venturing out into the cold, but that's what we did Saturday. We visited the famed Plymouth Ice Festival which features ice sculptures. I wrongly thought that 32 degree weather wouldn't be so bad. After all, that's flat out balmy compared to a couple weeks ago. So wrong!

We did make it an hour and the kids actually seemed to enjoy themselves.

The petting farm (and I use that term loosely) was a hit with Zoe.

Mitchell wasn't as impressed. He was pretty content to watch.

Alyse was downright appalled by the whole thing. It didn't help that, at one point, as she clung to my leg, a sheep licked the length of her right side. It was pretty disgusting.

Hot chocolate was what made it all worth it for the kids. That's a big favorite right now. Zoe also downed almost a whole elephant ear by herself.

Well, Mom and Dad, we miss you tons. Mitchell still brings me the phone, almost daily, and asks for Unny. Alyse can now say Mexico (though it sounds more like meko). Can't wait for your return.

Take care,
ZMA's mama

1 comment:

Adams Family said...

Oh I love this post!!! The tongues out and funny faces is classic!!
I would of been the kid that got my whole side licked but a sheep, (or pooped on by a pelican!!)