
Over the river and through the woods...

The holidays started out in my hometown, Newaygo and ended back in Chelsea. Three towns in four days was a bit much, but so worth it to be with family that we hadn't seen in much too long.

I'm woefully short on pictures this year, but here's a few highlights.

On Christmas eve, we had a party with the extended family at my sister's house. Mitchell and Alyse were timid at first.

The kids exchange gifts at the party. Zoe received her first Barbie. The picture doesn't show her true enthusiasm. She thought she was such a big girl. Thanks cousin Amber!

Mitchell was already cashed by the time we opened gifts. Alyse was completely uninterested. She, instead, spent a half hour playing with my sister's phone then she headed for the steps (or deppidoos, as she calls them).

Christmas morning, the kids opened gifts from Honey and Papa before we headed across the state to Rich's great-grandmother's for brunch.

After brunch at SupaBusia's house, we sat down for Christmas celebration number 4 at Busia and Dziadzia's. Mitchell and Alyse were supposed to be taking a nap, but after hearing footsteps upstairs we realized they had escaped their cribs and were happily playing - so they joined the fun.

Alyse didn't make it long.

On Saturday, we mini-vanned it home to see if Santa had remembered to stop at our house. I assumed that leaving our Christmas for last would make it less special, but I was wrong. The look on Zoe's face when she entered the house was priceless.

Mitchell and Alyse were not as impressed by Santa's visit. Mitchell was, however, happy to see that Santa had not finished the cookies.

Alyse was spent the whole time playing with the new easel and refused to open any of her gifts.

A final picture of Zoe with her new Pillow Pet. This thing was the scourge of my existence this holiday season. I think I spent about a day of my life either on their website (waiting for them to restock) or on the phone with customer service (wondering where the heck the thing was) trying to obtain a Magical Unicorn Pillow Pet.
Zoe had been asking for one since the first time she saw the commercial on TV about four months before Christmas. It was the only thing she asked for, consistently, from Santa. I waited until two months before Christmas to order assuming that was early enough. Unfortunately, the one she wanted was out of stock until a week before Christmas and didn't arrive until December 22nd. I had plenty of excuses worked out in my head, but thankfully I didn't have to use them.
After all that, when we asked Zoe what her favorite gift was, she replied, "My Strawberry Shortcake Bouncy Ball!" I got it for $5 on clearance.

Have a safe and happy New Year,
ZMA's mama

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Sounds like a "normal" Christmas with kids. :) I remember all Katie wanted one year was a jack in the box. Not too many jack in the boxes around these days - but we hunted and hunted until we found one. Don't think it ever really got played with much. But at least we have no lingering parental guilt from that year....

Now that I see Zoe's into Barbies I'll rebuy some stock in Mattel. You'll be forking out the dough on those for the next five years or so. I speak from experience on that one.

Beautiful pics - thx for sharing. Glad you guys had a wonderful holiday.