

This weekend was Summerfest in Chelsea and we were joined by my parents, niece and my father's brother, Uncle Eray. He had just stepped off the plane from California the night before. I hadn't seen Uncle Eray since I was nineteen, so I was thrilled he didn't mind all the traveling. Here's some highlights from the visit.

Since Chelsea was pretty packed, we headed to the Dexter Pub for lunch. Mitchell thought Eray might want to join him in coloring before the food came (he's offering him an orange crayon).

Then he caught sight of the camera.

Alyse thought being on top of the table was more fun than sitting in my lap.

Zoe was ready for lunch and not another photo op, but cousin Danni gave me a smile.

I did take pictures of the whole table, but they turned out dark and blurry (wrong setting).

After lunch, the waitress gave the kids Oreos for dessert. Zoe and Danni passed, but Mitchell and Alyse loved them.

Once we made it to Summerfest, we headed right to the Kidzone. It was filled with large, blow-up bouncers and slides. Zoe spent a lot of time here.
They also had a firetruck you could tour.

Along with crafts, face-painting, airbrush tattoos, hair-braiding, a magician and many other activities, they had a concert by Gemini (a popular kids musicians). Zoe loved them last year and refused to go on any of the bouncers or slides. This year, it was the opposite. I couldn't get her out of the bouncer when they came on stage.

I did, however, go over to listen myself and notice a familiar face on stage! That's cousin Danni making a wooden puppet dance to the music.

With all that sliding and bouncing, Zoe was pretty much catatonic on the short ride home.

Uncle Eray to help her get inside.

The babies missed a lot of the fun during their afternoon nap, but Zoe let Alyse try on her fireman's hat. Mitchell later tried to use it as a stool to get into the windowsill, so it's looking pretty sad now.

The babes found some other fun in the front yard.

And that was our Saturday.

A quick side note: Our friends Dani and Bob just welcomed their second child to the family last Friday. Since we've included his big sis, Lily, in this blog many times, I have to give a shout out to baby Bobby. He tipped the scales at 11 lbs. 4 oz.! Congrats Dani, Bob and Lily on the new addition to your family.

Take care,
ZMA's mama

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