
A lot can happen in a month...

There's no way I can re-cap it all. I'll just post the pictures and let them do the talking with minimal text interupptions (probably better than reading my rambling thoughts anyway).

Rich's surprise 39 1/2 birthday party at Arbor Brewing Company.

Chelsea's 175th Centennial Parade.

Too loud for Alyse.

Later in the day, Zoe helped Daddy with landscaping.

Our visit to Newaygo over the Fourth of July.

Waiting for the Croton parade to start (most of us in long pants and jackets. WTF?).

Zoe waving the red, white and blue (notice Alyse trying to make an escape).

As if the cold weather weren't enough, it started to drizzle right before the parade reached us.
Here's a picture of my Dad's cars in the parade ('57 Chevy, z28 and Corvette).

That night, we headed to a gorgeous log cabin on the water (the house of family friends) to watch fireworks. Zoe spent her time running around with all the kids. Here they are rolling down the hill.
The lone fireworks picture.
Aunt Shane and Zoe.

This past weekend, we went to a little carnival at Pioneer High School in Ann Arbor. Zoe loved the "rolla coasta."

Bumper cars. This picture is my favorite.

I was not too fond of my baby going on the ferris wheel. You've heard the stories!

If you could see our faces. Looks tame, but we caught air!

The babes couldn't do much, but they did enjoy some sugar-filled lemonade.

Sunday, Rich cashed in his Father's Day gift certifcate. A day of kayaking the Huron River with his friend, Jerome. While the guys did more floating than paddling, the rest of us (Heidi, Ella, Zoe, Mitchell, Alyse and myself) played at the house.

The kids weren't very interested in dinner once the pool came out.

Mitchell on the move.

Ella on the slide (notice Alyse on the wrong side of the ladder at the bottom of the picture. The girl is crazy!).

I think we need a larger pool.

And that's what we've been up to!

Take care,
ZMA's mama


busia said...

How long does it take to blow up that pool? I don't think I have that much hot air. :(

Cindy said...

Looks like lots of good memories - I"m sure your summer is flying by. So who's going to tell Zoe some day what WTF? means?????? :)

Danielle's Mom said...

we told Danielle that WTF means "who thinks its funny?" i hope that works for a while....

ZMA's mama said...

I've settled on "what's the fun?" It works in this instance and many others! She's sure to buy that until at least 8 or 9, right?

Unknown said...

Best Halloween we ever had. Your neighborhood is just the best place to Trick or Treat. Love the pictures.