
16 Months

The babes had their 15 month check-up today (though they will be 16 months tomorrow). Despite the impending poking, prodding and shots they didn't let that dampen their fun. Doesn't Mitchell look guilty?

Speaking of our little guy, he's 32 inches (60 percentile) and 21 lbs. 1 oz. (10 percentile) now. You'd think his sweet tooth would put a little more chunk on him, but nope! It's probably the climbing that keeps him svelte.

Though he does his fair share of babbling and has quite a few words, he's also partial to baby signs. His favorites are all done, more and sleep. What more do you need, really? You could also call chomping on his sisters a favorite sign that means back-off! He loves books, cars (or anything close by that he can pretend is a car) and pushing Zoe's pink baby stroller all over the house.

Alyse is also doing well in her development. She's 31 inches (55 percentile) and 19 lbs. 13 oz. (6 percentile). It seems she eats twice as much as Mitchell, but she's non-stop when she's awake and takes most of her meals standing up since she's so thin she can wiggle out of her high chair straps. That must be what's keeping her wiry.

She's more of a talker than Mitchell and giggles continually. She's firmly attached to her loveys (in addition to her own, she adopted Mitchell's when he didn't take to it) and her pacifier. I dread the day we say good-bye to that because she's also strong-willed. She loves to dance and bounce on Zoe's indoor trampoline.

While I'm handing out updates on the kids, I'll include that Zoe has been having a blast this summer with our neighborhood full of kids. She's also excited to start preschool again in September. She'll be going four mornings a week this year. She's growing up much too fast.

One last photo taken today. I wasn't thrilled when I saw this since we have family pictures scheduled for Saturday. Not only did Rich ignore my advice to get his haircut at least two weeks BEFORE the pictures, but he let our four-year-old do it.

Hopefully, our next post will include some proofs from our photo shoot.

Take care,
ZMA's mama


sarahkate60120 said...

The kids all look great. And the twins are both bigger now than Anna was when she came home from China. She was just over 19 lbs at 19 months old. (32 1/4 inches tall) She'll be 4 in October and is now almost 33 lbs and 41 inches tall. I'm sure Mitchell and Alyse will grow in their own time.

Unknown said...

WOW! I ahven't been on here for awhile- kudos to you for keeping this up. My poor kids will have many questions with probably few answers when they get big, me memory is terrible. I really should follow you lead and start to do this.
Everyone looks great, and BTW, I am so glad Rich was cautious and used a towel to catch the hair. Miss you guys.
That is too funny that he let her do it, no less right before pictures. :)