
Living in a Monkey Cage

For those of you friends with Rich on Facebook, I'm pretty sure this is what he meant when he said he "feels like he's living in a cage full of monkeys."

When the kids aren't climbing, you might find them playing chase. I've been trying to capture this game for a couple months and finally got it. So cute!

Yes, Mitchell eats a piece of cereal off the floor. What? He was hungry. Plus, it helps keep the floors clean. I think it was from breakfast that morning, but it also could have been dragged in from outside. Who knows. It's probably the least disgusting thing that kid has put in his mouth. I still can't tell the story about the bug without gagging.

Gotta go pull a kid off the banister.

Take care,
ZMA's mama


Anonymous said...

Great video work, ZMA's mama. This was a delightful clip to begin my day. Kids are cute. Are you absolutely sure it was cereal?

Crooked Lk Ln

Anonymous said...

Another thought:

"Now you see me. Now you don't."

ZMA's mama: you sure faked me out. I thought for sure one of the kids was going to emerge from the island's cabinet.

Crooked Lk Ln again

busia said...

Oh my God, the first picture was so funny. I couldn't stop laughing. I guess Mitchell wanted the best possible view out that window. Thank God I have not had to pull him off a window ledge (well, not yet). Although Alyse did wheel their little walking toy over to Zoe's table, parked it, and climbed up the 2 steps to get to the top of the table. She wasn't too happy that I caught her before she finished her adventure.

Anonymous said...

I am going to laugh about that window picture until Mitchell figures how the heck to get down....and or....how the heck did I get up here. Now how can I use Alise's head to get back down.

Anonymous said...

oops, Alyse's head.......