
First Haircuts

We spent part of Sunday getting the children groomed. Alyse and Mitchell were both in need of their first haircuts (though I know Busia will argue that point), so we headed to Cookie Cutters in Canton - the scene of Zoe's first haircut.

Mitchell and Alyse are considerably younger than Zoe was for this milestone. Zoe was almost 19 months, the babes just turned 14 months today, but it was time. Mitchell was starting to sport a mullet circa 1986 and Alyse had bangs down to the middle of her eyes.

Baby girl was up first. Alyse was all for sitting in the car, but once the lady started cutting her eyes grew wide. She never cried, but did make attempts to escape. It took all of two minutes to trim her up. Next!

Mitchell, too, loved the car and the Elmo video, but was none too impressed with the lady with scissors. In the end, I had to hold his head so she could finish de-mulleting him. I took this picture before the waterworks started.

We figured we save a trip and get Zoe's bangs shaped up while we were there. She was all for it since she knew she'd get a sucker and balloon. Isn't she looking old?

I never did get shots of the babes with their finished do's, but trust me, they're cute. It's amazing how cutting a little hair seems to grow them up a bit. That part, I could do without.

Take care,
ZMA's mama


busia said...

Boo hoo hoo. :(

Stephanie said...

I thought they looked great today and was surprised that I picked up on it after not noticing quite a few of my brother's haircuts.

Anonymous said...

Oh you can always tell when Richard gets one of those $5.00 haircuts. : )

Adams Family said...

Wow I can not believe how blonde alyse looks in that picture! I am trying to print the one of Zoe! It is so pretty! And awwww Mitchell cried!