
Is This Vatation?

For a week before we left for Boyne Falls to vacation with my family, Zoe would ask daily if today was the day we were going on "vatation." After the long car ride, we pulled up in front of the condos that would be our home for the next five days and Zoe said (in a rather cranky manner), "Is this vatation?" When I told her that yes, we had finally made it to the vacation spot, she didn't seem at all impressed by the beatiful view. While she was thrilled the car ride was over, she looked around and wasn't sure that the place we had arrived was what she had imagined "vatation" to be. Not that we'd never been on vacation, but this was the first year that she would actually remember it for more than a few months, so I felt especially pressured for her to enjoy it. So far, we weren't off to a great start.

Several times over the next few days, Zoe would ask exactly what vacation was. At first, she thought it was the condo. She'd say things like, "I don't want to go back to vatation!" when she was told we had to leave the water park. When I, once again, tried to explain what a vacation was, she decided that being in Boyne Falls was "vatation", which while true, still wasn't exactly accurate. I guess being on vacation is a hard concept for a four year-old to understand. After all, she spends her days playing with friends and family, going to parks or indoor play structures and often eating out several days a week. The only difference in being on vacation is that you do all those fun things in a different place.

Don't get me wrong. Zoe LOVED being on vacation. She loved the pull-out with Papa (though he likened it to sleeping with a rototiller). She loved waking up to more than one person at her beckon call. She loved the crafts that occurred several times at day at the clubhouse and she especially loved playing in the water at the pools, hot tubs and Avalanche Bay water park on the grounds. It really was a kids dream.

When I ask her now, what vacation is, she simply responds, "Good!"

I wasn't able to get many blog-worthy pictures during our stay since most of my time was spent with one or both babies in my arms. Mitchell and Alyse didn't acclimate to being on vacation as well as Zoe. They were unsure of their surroundings and missed their daddy (Rich was in Las Vegas on business for Domino's). To be sure nothing else changed, they made sure I was never out of their sight.

At the water park, they did find reason to venture further out of their comfort zone. Mitchell spotted some small fountains sprouting from the kiddie pool. He left the safety of Honey's lap and crawled a long way to investigate. After staring at them for quite awhile, he finally dared to touch one. Soon Alyse and Zoe joined him and we spent the next 20 minutes watching the kids play.

Being in such close quarters with two babies that think 4:00 a.m. (their usual morning routine starts at 5:30, but since I was in the same room they decided it should start earlier and despite my best efforts, it usually did) is a reasonable time to wake was not easy. Knowing that no one else wanted to share these insane hours, Mom and I tried our best to occupy them in the bedroom and attached bathroom for at least an hour. Unrolling toilet paper, sitting in the glass shower stall, playing with a laundry basket and flushing the toilet became a new part of our morning routine.

Once we unleashed Mitchell and Alyse on the rest of the condo, they often chose to play with anything except their toys. The kitchen was their first choice. Alyse enjoyed smooshing packets of Easy Mac while Mitchell pushed around a mixer like a car. We emptied a cupboard and this became their clubhouse. Some nasty fights ensued while each tried to secure the prime location as their own. One morning, Mitchell had enough of Alyse hogging the spot. I heard Alyse whining and found Mitchell sitting against the closed cupboard door, lightly banging his head against it. I asked him where Alyse was and he shot me a devilish grin, turned around and revealed his prize.

The next pictures were taken at the Red Mesa Grill. A great little place that makes all of the Latin food it serves from scratch. The babies weren't thrilled with the tacos or refried beans, but they were happy to share their sister's french fries. I won't go into detail about the outbursts we had to deal with when Zoe toppled her chair and Alyse freaked when a kind-hearted waiter tried to engage her in a little conversation. Let's just say I'm sure the other patrons were not unhappy to see us go.

Being on "vatation" can be exhausting.

The last three pictures were taken the day before we left. Mom and I took Zoe to play at a large wooden play structure by the lake while Mitchell and Alyse took their afternoon nap in the van. The woman that ran the craft activities at our condo told us to bring some bread to feed the ducks and swans. While we were never able to find them, Zoe did get to feed birds.

They were a bit overzealous.

But Zoe managed to make it out alive.

I've got thank my family for putting up with my little terrors. Hope you've all recovered. Brace yourself. We'll see you in June!

Our next summer "vatation" will be the Rezler Reunion in August. By then, I'm sure Zoe will have better grasped the concept and hopefully, Mitchell and Alyse will sleep past 4:00.

Take Care,
ZMA's mama

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Zoe couldn't tell me enough about her trip and all the projects she made so I think she had a great time.