
School's Out for Summer!

Zoe had her last day of preschool on May 6th. Her actual last day was May 13th, but we were vacationing in Boyne Falls with my family. She didn't mind missing her last two days and will see her teacher, Miss Patty, again when she takes a week long water play class with her this summer.

Here she is on her first and last days.

Boyne pictures to come.

Take Care,
ZMA's mama


Anonymous said...

Zoe has really grown!!! She is going to have a hard time keeping them boys away from her!!!!! LOL Love her haircut!!!!!!Aunt Kathy

busia said...

She looks taller. Maybe it's just the angle of the picture.

busia said...

Sonja, you will have to take a picture in front of the door every year. See how long it takes for Zoe's head to reach the door window. :(