
Sunny Days Ahead

Friday almost made me believe spring was right around the corner. It's so hard to tell in Michigan, but the good thing about living here is you rarely take a sunny day for granted. Whatever the season.

While I was observing the day, longingly, from inside my office building, the kids were enjoying the day with a special visitor. Our friend, Jerome, stopped by with his adorable little girl, Ella. Zoe and Ella shared a couple cute moments that Rich managed to capture.

That same day, Zoe and Alyse shared a cuddle. This doesn't happen that often. Alyse tends to be a bit opinionated about her personal space.

It was the babies first introduction to the joy (short-lived as it may have been) of a spring-like day in Michigan. The grass may not have been green yet, but they didn't care one bit.

Bliss.I think I've mentioned that candid shots of the kids are close to impossible to get. Here, Alyse bum rushes me when she sees the camera.

Mitchell, getting into trouble and quite proud of himself.

That's all for now.

Take care,
ZMA's mama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very very nice pictures. Kids are growing so fast. Aunt Kathy