
The Kids in Action

I thought I'd post a few videos from the past few weeks since I finally found time to download them.

Zoe and the 'Atomic Sparkler' Daddy bought. I watched her from the upstairs window in BC as the babies slept. While she played, my heart kept skipping a beat. It sounds like this thing could sear a steak. She kept calling them sprinklers, but I thought they resembled blow torches.

The babies love mornings and always want to play and talk. Here's a snippet of Mitchell grinning for Mama on Sunday morning. That grin is going to melt some hearts. It sure does mine!

Alyse is going to be a talker. She already loves the sound of her voice and the acoustics in this house thrill her (hardwood and cathedral ceilings...NOT the best combination). She likes to have long conversations in the morning.

Warning: If your speakers are on high, you may want to back-up a bit. She's got a mean screech!

More to come,
ZMA's Mama


Anonymous said...

All three of those video snippets made my day!!!

thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

That's the best sparkler "O" I have seen all sparkler season. Way to go, Zoe.

Can't even begin to say how cute the other two stars are in their respective videos. Great job by The Dimpled One and The Screecher.

Crooked Lk Ln

The Helminiak Family said...

Love the videos. Can't wait to meet Mitchell and Alyse tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Seriously I got chills seeing how perfect they look (all 3!!) That is awesome to post the video! Great idea- thanks for sharing- hope to meet them soon-