
It's Been A While...

and a lot has happened, but it hasn't been very well documented. Now I understand why my baby book was written on random sheets of paper instead of neatly printed in my pink baby book. I was the third child. Time is limited. Zoe would sneeze and I took a picture, wrote about it and called my mom before you could say, Bless You. Actually, that's not entirely true. Her baby book was mostly written in a Word document that I emailed back and forth between home and work. With these guys, I'm just hoping I manage to document their first tooth and steps before they leave for college. I'm trying, but as so many of you out there know, it ain't easy.

But we do have this blog!

I did manage to get one picture during the entire duration of a visit with my mom, dad, sister (Shane) and niece (Dani) at the end of July. Luckily, it's a good one. Mitchell finds kisses from aunts hilarious!

Zoe has been trying to keep busy amidst the chaos in the house. Here's a picture of her jumping into her little pool on a sweltering afternoon. We had to watch each jump and she named them, accordingly. This one was something like a "Super Duper Flooper jump."

She's still quite into her 'art projects.' Here she is creating a masterpiece while demonstrating her tongue rolling talents. Oddly enough, this is how I often held my tongue while concentrating as a child. I also have a lovely picture of her crossing her eyes. Are you laughing, Mom?

Having to deal with one new sibling must be hard for a kid, but two at once? For the most part, she's adjusted well. Sure, there's been some days...but she does seem to genuinely love her babies. On Sunday, with Daddy picking up an extra shift, Zoe turned into Mommy's helper. Both babies were insisting on being fed at the same time (as they often do), so I asked her if she thought she'd be able to give Mitchell a bottle all by herself. She quickly replied, "I can handle it!" The best part was that Mitchell loved it. After the meal, Mitchell didn't want to move. He poked at Zoe's face and pulled her hair, laughing the whole time. The miracle was that she put up with it and laughed back. It was precious!

That same Sunday, I decided it was time to stage three-month pictures of the babies. They are almost 16 weeks. Ideally, I'd have a professional do this, but having almost missed my window, I thought I'd try to take some on my own. Far from pro quality, but I managed some cute faces!

On that same note, we still haven't managed to get Zoe's three year picture done. It's still in the plans, but Zoe decided I better take one of her anyway...in case I forget!

This is a favorite picture from last week. Alyse sleeping. LOVE sleeping babies!

I can't manage to get a similar one of Mitchell since he usually sleeps in his swing during the day, but here he is testing out a Bumbo seat we borrowed.

Alyse in her bouncy with a big smile.

I think my favorite part of the last month has been watching the kids become more and more aware of each other. They've begun to grab at each other while playing and hold hands while tandem nursing. We've been trying to capture the hand holding for a while, but obviously the logistics of it poses a bit of a problem. Luckily, on Monday, they continued to hold hands once they were finished and Rich grabbed the camera and shot over my shoulder while they lay on the nursing pillow.


I'm realizing more and more that though it's going to be a challenge raising two the same age, it's also going to be amazing to watch them grow up together.

Take Care,
ZMA's mama

PS. Before I log off, I wondered if anyone out there has been missing my husband's wonderful blog writing as much as me? If you're bored with my accounts of our life, leave a comment (but be kind) letting Mr. Mom know that he needs to start posting more!


Anonymous said...

I for one love my little sisters account of raising kids! But Rich you do a wonderful job of it too...both are great, for this FAR Far away Auntie! Thanks for every blog entry over the last three years!!!! Love Aunt Shawnie

Anonymous said...

Oh and I almost forgot! Man is Mitchell a carbon copy of his Daddy! The picture of him in his borrowed bumbo seat is just like some of saw of Rich when he was a little tike! So we know he is going to be a VERY HANDSOME man!!!
love ya Aunt Shawnie

Anonymous said...

The relatives on Crooked Lk Ln are delighted to read the blog no matter who posts. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I think both of you's write a good blog. But I am sure mom is more busy with the babies and Zoe. Zoe sure is a good helper for her mom. Loved the pictures. A. Kathy

Aunt shanie said...

I love everyone of the pictures. One os my favs is sleeping baby and the two holding hands should be blown up. cna't wait to see them again
AUNT SHANIEor other wise known as the one that belongs to Danni

Emily and Zachary's mom said...

YES... I agree that it's a pleasure to read whichever of you has the time to blog! So glad to see the pics, can't believe how fast those babies change!

Anonymous said...

Love the black and white of Alyse.
I don't think Mitchell has anything over her in the eyelash department. Those are some pretty long ones on those sleepy little eyelids.

Danielle's Mom said...

It's a fine group of little ones, of all ages, that you have there! I LOVE looking on the blogs to see that there is a new post...and it doesnt matter to me who writes it either...

Great photos!!!


Anonymous said...

Sonja, you do a great job updating the blog. I love hearing about my grandbabies. But yes, you are right, we need to hear from daddy once in a while. Since he's become a stay at home dad, I'm sure there are a lot of funny little things that are being left untold. And maybe some not so funny. Daddy,daddy,daddy. (chant)