
I Dub Thee...

On Friday, Rich and I were able to see the babies again. The ultrasound technician asked if they had been named yet. We stumbled around our words a bit and finally said, "We've got some time...right?" She chuckled and said she meant had they been referred to as twin 1 or 2, A or B, etc.? Ummmm. No. So, our little guys/girls (or one of each, as Rich believes) were thusly named:

Twin 1 resides on my left.

Twin 2 resides on my right.

Not much better than Thing 1 and Thing 2! A bit impersonal, don't you think? The book I'm currently reading about multiple pregnancy suggests giving the babies some sort of temporary monikers while in utero to avoid having to use the typical 1/2 or A/B. Any suggestions?

Zoe's mama
(as I typed this I realized I'm going to have to change my blog name, eventually)


Phil Lozen said...

I think Phil for the left (since I'm lefty) and Sparty for the right.

Emily and Zachary's mom said...

As 'Toon references are obviously not even considerations, I think you should ask Zoe what to call them...make her feel included. (Unless you want to go out on a limb and have her help you name them out of utero.) Make sure to post the outcome!

Emily and Zachary's mom said...

oh, and btw... they're absolutely gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

The Cobbler Ct. trips were always referred to as Huey, Louie, & Dewey, if that helps. At least one of those stuck.

Cobbler Ct.

Anonymous said...

If you already have a "Noodle" how about some "Mac" and "Cheese"? or "Spaghetti" and "Meatball" to keep pace with the pasta theme?

Crooked Lk Ln

Anonymous said...

How about Lefty and Righty? But, just for now.

Zoe's Busia

Anonymous said...

I love the mac and cheese or spaghetti and meatball choices! Too funny. Okay, is it just me, or do they look like identical twins!?!?! :)
Can't believe how big they're getting already! Wow!!

Cousin Cindy

Anonymous said...

What about... red lighat and green light? I know they'll turn out cute.
Best of luck, Katie

Anonymous said...

Oh! Thought of a new one! Squirrel and Chipmunk!!!

Anonymous said...

I like the pasta theme. ask Zoe what to call them on the pasta theme.

Anonymous said...

Okay, if we are going to go with the pasta theme, I thing we should go with the "Z" theme also. So I suggest Ziti & Zitoni.

Just ask Zoe. She'll know what kind of noodles those are.

Zoe's Busia