
Pumpkin Patch/Cider Mill

Sorry for the long delay between posts. With me going to bed right after Zoe and football season still in full swing, we've been struggling to keep up with our blogging duties.

We did manage to make it to the Pumpkin Patch and Cider Mill this year. These pictures are from two weekends ago. The pumpkins we purchased that day are already long gone, eaten by our rampant squirrel population (I didn't even know they liked pumpkins). Here, Zoe and I pose for a photo op amongst the squirrel food.

One attraction that the kids love at this mill is the haystack maze. You can climb through it or on top of it. Last year, we barely managed to get a picture with her perched on the edge of a stack.
Zoe wasn't too impressed this year either (too many kids, MommyDaddy), but after much coaxing, we did finally convince her that romping in hay can be fun.
Come back, Dad!

Sliding down.

Another big difference from last year is that the warm, pumpkin sugar donuts didn't make her gag. If you know Zoe, you know that she used to have a bizarre gag reflex that would even flare up when she touched certain substances, like sugar or sand. Long over that, she devoured the donuts and cider.

Dad snapped another photo, right before we left.

It was a good day.
That's all for now,
Zoe's mama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did I really just read about my daughter and a "romp in the hay" in the same sentence?
