
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

And by "my," I mean Zoe's...

Here's a picture of Zoe with her new 'favorite person,' her cousin Sidney (or Sheeedy, as she says). My parents and nephew came for a visit and I think my mom was a bit jealous of the attention Zoe lavished on Sidney. For this reason, I'm pretty sure she'll be making her next visit a solo venture. I didn't take many pictures, but I couldn't resist snapping this one of the two cuddling, Sunday morning.

Zoe has another new favorite... her favorite spot for watching Noddy or Elmo. Can this really be comfortable?

Zoe loves to play 'hide' (her way of saying Hide 'n Seek)...though she doesn't quite understand the rules. She often forgets which person is supposed to cover their eyes, the hider or the seeker.

Lately, she covers her eyes either way... which makes it a little tricky to get to her all-too-obvious hiding places.

She's actually greatly improved her Hide 'n Seek skills over the past few months. She went from 'hiding' right in front of a person to actually trying to conceal herself a bit. Granted, it's usually the same spot over and over again... but it's better than the middle of the living room floor (an early favorite). She has also learned to stay in her hiding spot, for the most part, rather than seek the seeker (another early flaw in her gameplan). If you're up for a rousing game of 'hide,' come on over. Zoe's mom and dad will gladly take a break from the game.

Here's a few more recent favorites:

The beaded necklace from New Year's eve. She calls it her 'nuts' (her way of saying necklace). I can't tell you how many mornings I've heard her yelling, "mine nuts, mine nuts!" Strange, I never thought I'd hear this from my little girl.

A multi-colored, bead-like teething ring that I recently bought at the grocery store. I was thinking it might come in handy while Zoe is getting those painful molars. Instead her 'teever' has become her favorite bracelet. It looks smashing with her 'nuts'.

Earth's Best Organic Baby Cereal. This was one of her first foods and suddenly, it is a favorite again. After her last battle with the flu, it was the only thing she would agree to eat. It's still a daily choice, though it is being overshadowed by the new food favorite...

'Wice!' Rice for breakfast, rice for snack, rice for lunch and rice for dinner. When this girl gets on a food kick, she's serious.

Her folding stool. I bought it for the bathroom so she can wash her hands by herself and maybe, someday later this year, use it to begin potty training. Right now, it's her favorite place to stand while playing in the water.

That's all for now.

Take Care,
Zoe's mama


Anonymous said...

Zoes' a cutie whether she's hiding or seeking. Thanks for the update and for list of current favorites. Great Aunt Jeannine would like Zoe to try Quaker Puffed Rice so there may then be 2 people on the planet who eat it.

Playing "Guess which hand it's in?' is usually as much fun to try as Hide and Seek. Over the holidays I tried playing it with Rebecca. She's getting very good at the slapping of the hands to guess which one holds the hidden M& M.

Crooked Lk Ln in IL

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of hide and seek is that while you are hiding you here Zoe call "where you at" just to help herself out a bit.

Danielle's Mom said...

Your own grandkids wont eat puffed rice....dont try to pawn it off on Zoe. Hide Zoe....Hide from the man in the Quaker hat!!!

Anonymous said...

I yelled "mine nuts, mine nuts" just yesterday. But that's becuase Becca kicked me in them trying to get back out into the snow to play. Lesson Learned!!

Cobbler Ct.

Anonymous said...

I often watch tv draped across the sofa and end table, just like Zoe. Very good for stretching out the back. Of course, it usually comes for me after a few beers and at that point, I'll drape myself just about anywhere.