

"Hey, you! Did you make any good resolutions?"

That's Zoe, moments before bed on New Year's Eve. And here's the story about how we got to this point:

Before we left home for our 5 p.m. dinner -- when only families with young children and random octagenarians eat -- Zoe was her demure-yet-affable self.

The food was delicious (dad loved his crab-stuffed black grouper with red pepper sauce) but strangely stinky (we thought Zoe had an accident on the way home before realizing it was mom's to-go container... its time in the fridge was short-lived.)

We brought some beads home with us, which seemed to put Zoe in a party mood:

She started hitting the sippy cup. Hard.

Until she got downright belligerent:

Truth be told, the above picture is a happy moment. Sonja asked Zoe to say "Happy New Year," and she instead busted out a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday." In Zoe speak, the lyrics sound something like this:

Hop day-ay ooh. Hop day-ay ooh. Moooommmmma. Hop day-ay ooh.

How did mom and dad spend NYE after Zoe went to bed? We hauled out our old oven and hooked up a brand-spanking-new one (and when I say 'we' I mean 'me'). Everything was cleaned up and tested (water boiled... oven got hot... good enough) by 10:30 p.m. We watched Ryan Seacrest for 10 minutes (felt like 10 hours), flipped over to MTV for a while (do your parents know you're wearing that? Good lord, we're old), and Sonja was reading in bed by 12:30.

You can't stop us. We're out of control.


We did have a very nice beer with dinner... Bell's Winter White Ale. If you like wheat beer and can find product from this Kalamazoo brewery where you are, I'd suggest it.


Anonymous said...

you kids and your appliances! You're way to wild for me. Happy New Year! Go Blue!

Cobbler Ct.

Emily and Zachary's mom said...

Geez, and we turned off the Mtv and turned on Ryan Seacrest... that Mtv was too crazy for me!

Anonymous said...

I'm not certain these photos are in the correct sequence...that being said, I like a little bit of a nip in my sippy cup too, now and then.