
Ho-ho-holy cow... what a week!

Some key numbers from our holiday vacation:

The number of miles driven after leaving home at 2 p.m. Friday, Dec. 22 and returning at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 27.

The number of Christmas parties we attended (two in Newaygo, two in Bay City, one in our living room).

The number of times we heard the word "mine" come from our daughter's mouth. Not annoying at all.

The number of photos Sonja took with her new digital camera. I'm supposed to pick "the best ones" and create a blog entry. Hmmm.

Here are my selections:

Let's get the obvious out of the way... Zoe was the center of attention everywhere she went. Although it wasn't always as apparent as this moment, when she was at center stage for most of the Honeycutt clan on our first night in Newaygo:

On the 23rd, the whole family headed over to an arcade-style restaurant for pizza and games. While we were there, Zoe helped me open a birthday gift... and I became an honorary Newaygo Lion. Thanks to the whole gang for the gifts and for always making me feel so at home in your wonderful circle.

Before we left the arcade, Zoe shared this good-bye kiss (through glass) with Aunt Shane.

The Honeycutts and their extended family traditionally have their big celebration on Christmas Eve. Here's a dolled-up Zoe opening gifts at Aunt Shawn's house, the site of the shindig.

Before we left town -- travelling across the state late on Christmas Eve, looking for Santa in the dark skies above us -- Zoe picked out next year's gift from Papa's garage:

First up on Christmas Day was a visit to Supa Busia's house for breakfast. There, Zoe stopped to pose with cousins Sarah and Emily in their matching scarves.

Cousin Zachary was there, too, along with Aunt Steph. The true significance of this photo is that it was snapped at exactly the only split second that Zoe wasn't stressed out about another kid touching her stuff. That puzzle in Zachary's hands? Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.

She did, however, sweetly thank Supa Busia for the scarf, her chocolate Santa, the hospitality and the great food.

But, wait... there's time to open one more present, with Busia's help:

After breakfast (and a 45-minute nap in the car... couldn't quite stay awake during the 12-block trip from Supa Busia's to Dodson Court) it was time to open more presents at Busia and Dziadzia's house. As you can see behind her, there was quite a Zoe pile. (And, apparently, enough gifts to keep Mommy busy because the picture-taking rate declined significantly.) Zoe's favorite, by far, was this electric toothbrush. It was mainly used to tickle her neck.

We got home on the 27th and had our own Christmas celebration on the morning of the 28th. As you can see, Zoe did some damage here, as well.

Sonja and I had plenty of time to discuss our "Christmas future" on the long stretches of highway. We're certainly excited to start our own family traditions and would love to tuck Zoe into her own bed on Christmas Eve and watch her wide-eyed Christmas morning reaction in our house.

The problem is, we're both madly in love with the already-established Christmas traditions of our own families. It has always worked so well, considering Sonja's family has its big celebration on Christmas Eve and my family on Christmas morning. Even the thought of those late-night rides across the state (can you see Santa? you better go to sleep before he sees you!) could be fun. And why can't Santa's presents be waiting at home for Zoe to open on the 28th?

So, we don't know what the future will hold. But all three of us certainly are thrilled over the Christmas holiday we just finished. Thanks, to all, who made it so special.

Happy New Year.


Emily and Zachary's mom said...

45 minute nap in the car? It doesn't take 45 minutes to get from 2304 to 538...

Anonymous said...

I thought it was E and Z's house that did the most partying but it seems like Zoe's house knows how to celebrate too....to that I say "GO FOR IT" or "PARTY ON, FAMILY!"

Anonymous said...

One day, you'll tire of the traveling and that's when you'll stay home...and wonder why you hadn't done it sooner. Sometimes, the decision gets easier. All is takes is a move cross-country or something like that. There is plenty of time for new traditions.