

Since moving to the east side of the state, I've been heading back to Newaygo for Labor Day weekend. Not only does it mark the end of summer, but also typically includes a catch-all celebration for September birthdays, last minute dips in the pool before covering it for the winter, and one last visit to my aunt's cottage. It was a little too cool for the pool this year (though Zoe asked endlessly), but we did celebrate and visit. Here are the highlights:

In lieu of water play, we headed to the mall to kill some time. Zoe chowed on some hot pretzels and played in the kid area a bit. In the picture below, a kid walked up to Zoe and patted her on the head, saying "baby." As you can tell from her expression, she was not at all thrilled. Hence, the 'say what?' look! Actually, the picture gives the impression that she cussed the kid out, doesn't it?

We always try to stop by my aunt's cottage before she closes it up for the winter. Zoe played with her cousins on the trampoline and loved swinging with Honey. She also got a kick out of watching my nephew's new puppy, Roxy, run around with the big dogs.

Here's Zoe with her first cousin (Danni - holding her) and her second cousins (from left: Gracie, Lily and Ellie).

Swinging with Honey:
The dog caravan (Roxy, Buddy and Maggie):

As always, Zoe enjoyed being all-powerful during our stay. VERY early one morning she got it in her head that she needed to go for a walk. She, of course, got her way. Here she is snuggled into the vintage pram she occupies while at Honey's. It's on loan from my eldest sister and was given to her for her first child, Stacy, when they lived in Germany. Bought from a neighbor that used it for her two kids, it's over 32 years old. Cozy looking, huh! Here, Zoe does her 'I've got you sooooo wrapped' look.

The birthday celebration was Sunday. Below, the birthday bunch grins for the camera. Quite an age span (the eldest, 68, and the youngest, 16).

Zoe practiced her walking skills quite a bit over the weekend. Ever cautious, she still insists on having someone close by or holding, at least, one hand of a seasoned walker before attempting to take off. Still, She's quite proud of her skills.

No summer trip to Newaygo would be complete without ice cream. We stopped by my nephew Sam's place of employment for a treat. Zoe not only ate her ice cream, she also ate most of my sister's and mom's. The kid is addicted! Another addiction we often need to feed is her love of music. Her favorite song of the moment is I'm Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee. We have to sing it to her a minimum of 100 times a day, while she enthusiastically does the motions. No! I did not teach the song to her. Her child care had that honor and now we reap the benefits (if that's what you want to call it). Yes, it's cute...but the morbid nature of the song kind of creeps me out. Here she is doing the motions at the ice cream shop. She was in heaven with the captive audience.

Finally, here's a shot of several of us in front of the ice cream place, bellies full. Good times! See you next Labor Day.

Take care,
Zoe's mama


Emily and Zachary's mom said...

Is that bumblebee song the one where momma is so proud about brining it home and then it gets squashed? I don't think we know the words correctly and that's all I can remember... (thankfully Emily has forgotten it too and Zach is just now in the room where they sing it...)

Anonymous said...

Thanks to both of you-Zoe's mom and Emily and Zachary's mom for putting that tune in my head for the rest of the week.
"I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee. Won't my mommy be so proud of me.etc...

Anonymous said...