

Happy birthday to Aunt Stephanie! So it's not officially her birthday for a couple more days, but in Zoe's book... if you opened gifts and had cake and ice cream, it's your birthday.

That's what we did Sunday. Here's the reason for the party and the life of the party competing for a little camera time:

Even though it was her ciocia's shindig, Zoe still somehow managed to open the first gift of the day. She got a real kick out of this Winnie the Pooh choo-choo train from Busia and Dziadzia. Which reminds me of the Joke of the Day: Why do Tigger's paws always stink?

Zoe did eventually let Aunt Steph experience the best part of the choo-choo train: Bubbles!! And since Monday is Steph's babysitting day, she'll get to spend it hearing Pooh exclaim "Blowing bubbles and riding with you is so much fun" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again... like we did tonight!

Thanks to all for the good times, great food and outstanding company. Let's do it again real soon, ya hear?


Anonymous said...

Ok, what's the answer? I must have forgotten that one about Tigger's paws. Gotta have something to do with Pooh, right?

Big Daddy said...

Yep.... cause he always plays with Pooh.

Thank you, Pawtucket. Tip your waitstaff.

Anonymous said...

What a nice post to put a smile on my face this morning. Happy Birthday Steph! :)

And don't worry, this Pooh stuff won't be the last jingle you have stuck in your head for years. I still know all the words to several of the Barney songs, and many of the other shows Katie watched - over and over and over....

Emily and Zachary's mom said...

Great picture of Zoe and Aunty Steph!

Anonymous said...

I ordered a case of bubbles. Should be arriving at your house by Tuesday. Happy Birthday to our baby girl. I love you. (mom)

Zoe's Busia

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the bubble machine was dry and it wasn't that nice out to take the train outside today. But my niece did teach me a trick--how to do the motions to row row row your boat.

Phil Lozen said...

If you're going to use my material, I want credit!