

Yes, as you read in the last post, Zoe does favor me. But there still are moments that make Sonja and I wonder if we really created this wonderful creature. The whole tall-and-skinny phenomenon tops that list. Sonja and Zoe's recent grocery shopping adventure is another example.

To help occupy Zoe's time in the shopping cart seat, Sonja handed over the best (and cheapest) toy ever invented -- a Tic Tac container. Zoe loves the sound of rattling Tic Tacs and assumes everyone else does, too. So each time somebody walked by the cart, Zoe performed for them. We've learned over the past 13 months you can categorize all people into two groups: Those who stop to smile at babies and those who don't. Zoe was pretty pleased with those who stopped. When one of 'those who don't' tried to walk past without acknowledging her, she'd stare them down, grunt and give the container another vehement shake. Such demand for the attention of strangers from a child born of two adults who avoid impromptu conversation whenever possible.
Makes me wonder who she's been calling:

We had a nice, stay-at-home Memorial Day weekend. It included Zoe's first romp in her new pool...

...and a cookout on the deck. Zoe's top two teeth are coming in (the first one finally poked through on May 24, her 13-month birthday), which apparently was the impetus she needed to give corn-on-the-cob a try.

The corn was great. But cheese is still her favorite:

The weekend also included a night out for Sonja and I on our fifth (WOW!) wedding anniversary. Big thanks to our friend, Dani, who watched Zoe for us.


Anonymous said...

Five Years Already - WOW!! Just wanted to say congrats on that, as well as to say that the picture of Zoe smiling with her head turned sideways is absolutely adorable. Pretty soon Zoe will be saying what Katie says about herself - "The camera loves me." It's hard to be humble I guess. Thanks for all the great pics! :)
Cousin Cindy

Emily and Zachary's mom said...

Just wait until she can talk and says "HI" to all those strangers...and when that group of "those that smile at babies" actually stops and talks back! Talk about space invasion!!

John said...

Mmmmm, corn.

Anonymous said...

i like cheese too

