

The demand for photos from Zoe's first birthday has been overwhelming. (OK... actually only three people, but that's three more than have ever requested photos of me!) So without further ado (or Freddy Adu) ...

You've gotta start with a cake shot, right? A first birthday party without the messy birthday cake is like a Skynyrd concert without Freebird (even though cousin Sidney doesn't seem particularly thrilled at this moment).

Being the consumate party planners we are, we tested Zoe's affinity for chocolate cake Saturday, the day before the big party. She seemed to like it then, but never really took a bite Sunday. She just played it like a bongo long enough to get some frosting in her hair.

Maybe her interest in cake waned because of the huge pile of presents nearby. She certainly enjoyed those... and got a helping hand opening all of them from Mom.

As usual, our family and friends spoiled the little one. She has a plethora of new favorite toys, a bunch of great books, some cool (I couldn't get myself to type 'cute') new outfits and a gift certificate good for another full year of Monday daycare from the Good Doctor. That's a gift that Mom and Dad are eternally grateful for.

A special thanks to all our family that traveled from points north and northwest to be with us. At least there wasn't a blizzard this year! Thanks also to the family and friends that sent birthday wishes. As you can see, Zoe was pretty much thrilled with the whole day.

So that was Sunday. Zoe's actual birthday was Monday... which Sonja and I both took off from work so we could extend the celebration. The highlight of the day was Zoe's (and my) first trip to Chuck E. Cheese.

The Domino's Pizza lunch at Sunday's party was such a big hit with Zoe, we figured we might as well pile it on. (Seriously... the kid has eaten nothing but organic food since birth, then sucks down nearly an entire slice of pizza. She loved it. Guess I'm in the right business. Oh, and I'm sure she'll really think customer satisfaction is cool some day, too!)

Anyway... back to Chuck E. Cheese. After lunch, she got to hang out with some goofy characters, like this one...

... and this one...

... and also tried her hand at a couple games, some rides and a slide. In all, a great day. And, as you can see in this last picture, she's already looking forward to the big No. 2. (That wasn't a poop joke. "No. 2" as in birthday No. 2. Really, people.)

If I may take one moment to be sentimental: Thanks to my two beautiful girls, Monday marked the end of what was by far the happiest, most fulfilling one-year span of my life. There's a twinge of sadness associated with that sentence, until I realize what's yet to come.


Emily and Zachary's mom said...

No reason to be sad (I keep telling myself that anyway.) There's much much much more fun in store! Oh, and take LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of photos and videos. Looking back at them as Zoe gets older will make you just as happy.

Thank you BTW! I've been anxiously waiting...

Anonymous said...

1st birthdays are special for the parents. It marks a new venture into life. The rest of them, are great for the kid! I mean sooner than later, you will be doing what SHE says she wants, this year (and maybe next) you are in charge. Just wait....the rest of the story to follow!
Auntie Shawnie
PS a great time was had by all...Sid really thinks Uncle Rich has an AWESOME office and building!!! And is now talking college, just to get one of those offices like Uncle Rich! HAHAHA

Anonymous said...

Well, once again I wrote a bunch of stuff and I lost it all by clicking the wrong button... Anyways, I've been watching for the pics - they're great!! Glad to see Zoe had a great birthday!! Loved the picture of Zoe next to Chuck E. Cheese - I have one of Katie like that (well, Katie was a little older and I don't think she was getting ready to honk Chuck E's nose like Zoe looks like she was, but still it was a similar setup). So the picture brought back some memories of our "Chuck E. Days". :)
Cousin Cindy

amy said...

those pictures ARE SO cute!!

John said...

Where you have to watch out is at Chuck D. Cheese. It's a little dicey in there, a lot of militant rap music, etc.

Seriously, nice work. Looks like a fantastic, special day. Looking forward to seeing her and you guys soon.