
One Year Check-up and Pictures I Like

April has been a busy month. Between Easter, the kid's birthdays, hectic times at work and too much sickness at home - we're exhausted.

We finished up the month at Alyse and Mitchell's one year check-up. Unfortunately (or fortunately - depends on whose perspective) there were no vaccinations. Since both babes had had fevers in the last 24 hours, the doc chose to push that part of the appointment to the same day as Zoe's four year check-up. Should be a fun day!

What we did do was add another bottle of Amoxicillin to our fridge. Zoe obtained the first bottle on the 22nd, Alyse procured the next on the 24th and Mitchell rounded out the collection on the 30th.

Besides finding out that Mitchell had an ear infection and strep throat on top of his nasty cold, we went through the usual steps done at a one-year check-up. If you know me, you know that my favorite part of these check-ups is finding out how the kids are growing and since I've yet to write these milestones down anyplace but on this blog, on with the most recent stats.

Mitchell weighs 19 lbs. 10 oz. (10th percentile). His height is 30.5 inches (70th percentile).

Alyse weighs 17 lbs. 8 oz. (5th percentile). Her height is 29.75 inches (70th percentile).

Part two of this post. Random pictures from Easter weekend, the birthday bash and last weekend. Just because I like them.

She looks so old!

Mitchell was curious.

Alyse was not. I had to sit the basket in front of her.

Climbing into the walker.

Mitchell still hasn't mastered a pucker.


My failed attempt to get a picture on Easter.

Zoe's teenage-eye-rolling look.

All these new toys and Mitchell just wants to play with the broom.

A walk around our neighborhood.

Zoe scaled these rocks (she calls her climbing wall) in her Easter best.


That smile.

Enjoying the wind in her hair.

Walking, with a hand from Honey.

"You can take my picture, Mom."

Alyse, leaning on Busia.

Little beauty.

Alyse, smearing cake on Mitchell.

The babes favorite spot in the house...yelling out the window at anyone passing by.


Goofing off in their second favorite spot.

Take care,
ZMA's mama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures. Great family there and so cute too!!!!!
Aunt Kathy