
It's Official

Zoe became a four-year-old on Friday.

She woke that morning to a hallway full of balloons, thanks to a kit Busia bought for her and the time Daddy spent blowing them up. Unfortunately, most of the day was spent coddling her very sick little sister (double ear infection and strep throat on top of a very nasty cold), but she did get some special "Zoe time" once the babes were in bed.

Yesterday, I asked her how she liked being four, so far. She replied that she didn't like it so much because she is supposed to go to bed on her own now (though she still hasn't managed it) and she thinks that in a couple weeks, she's going to be six. I'm not sure how skipping five and most of four is going to pan out. We'll let you know in a few weeks.

Take care,
ZMA's mama


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Zoe. Hope you had a great one. I like the picture of you with all the balloons. You are growing up so fast.
Love Aunt Kathy

busia said...

Seems to be one missing. :)