
11 Months Old

Double-Trouble (You knew I'd use that cliche sooner or later). Mitchell and Alyse make a B-line for the laundry room whenever they hear that door open. I have no idea why. They turned 11 months-old on Saturday. They're into everything. They pull things over, scale things they shouldn't and crawl or cruise faster when they know you're coming to get them away from whatever it is they shouldn't be doing, chuckling as if it's a game.

A gust of wind before our walk made Alyse giggle (notice the T-shirts, Aunt Verd).

Zoe, blowing bubbles for her babies.

Zoe and Lily, swinging at the park on Saturday.

Alyse, spotting the camera.

Mitchell, so big.

Take care,
ZMA's mama


Anonymous said...

Yes, they sure do love that laundry room. Zoe showed Mitchell how to yell into the dryer and listen to the echo.

Anonymous said...

I predict by the time they are 12 their fascination will be gone and they will not be little laundry helpers anymore.

Anonymous said...

Double the trouble and double the fun with them little babies. Good thing you have Zoe to entertain them. They all are getting so big and very very cute too.
Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

I double what Steph said - and I have the 12 year old to prove it! Gotta comment on the remote in Mitchell's hand - what a classic. Guess Dad now has competition for the remote??? Also gotta say that although they are technically getting big the twins still look sooooo little/young to me - cute as ever though. (Probably has a lot to do with me teenage looking daughter.) Miss you all.
Love, Cindy