
Valentine's Day Dinner

We had some friends over for dinner on Valentine's Day and I thought I'd share a couple pictures. Like most occasions, it revolved around the kids. My friend was kind enough to bring cookies for her daughter, Lily and Zoe to decorate. It was a big hit.

While the adults ate, Zoe and Lily had their own little party at the kids table. It was adorable to hear them crack each other up. Mitchell and Alyse were banished to the floor since the chairs their boosters usually occupy were needed for the big people.

Speaking of the two little critters, they turned 10 months on Valentine's Day. I captured this picture the next morning, right before Mitchell pulled Alyse's hair and sent her screaming. Busia likes to say he's got the devil in him. I may have to agree with that.

It's been a great weekend and thanks to my work observing President's Day, it's going to be a long one.

Take Care,
ZMA's mama


Anonymous said...

Thank you for having us! Zoe and Lily are too cute together...and the twins were so cute and good, Bob thinks we can handle twins too!

Anonymous said...

Hope someone saved me a cookie.