
A Few Firsts

Not to preempt Daddy's return to the blogging world (below), but I've been meaning to add an update for a while.

We've had some exciting 'firsts' take place since my last post. Alyse's first taste of food (Mitchell's was about a month ago...more on that later), Mitchell's first tooth and both babies first taste of veggies (sweet potatoes, Zoe's favorite first food).

First, a couple photos of the babies having a tug-o-war over a toy. We've had a bit of toy stealing for a while now. Oddly enough, it's often our mild-mannered Alyse stealing from 'big' brother Mitchell.

As you can see, she's rather proud of herself and he's quite distraught. He can be so dramatic!

This past weekend, Rich's cousin Chris and his family stayed over after the Michigan game. Zoe had a blast with cousin Rebecca. Here they are ready for bed in their princess pj's. Don't let the pj's fool you - sleep was the furthest thing from their minds.

I was also fortunate enough to have my mom with me over the weekend (though I'm not sure she feels the same) to help with some sleepless nights. Since I knew Rich was going to be very busy, I figured it would be a good time for her to visit. With both babies getting over being sick and teething on top of that, sleep was the furthest thing from their minds too! Hopefully, Mom can forgive me for her lack of sleep. I am forever indebted to her for all the help! As tired as we were, I didn't think to take many pictures. Here's one of the few I did take: Mitchell sporting his star sleeper. Sure, he's happy now. But talk to him at 2 a.m.

As I mentioned, we've had a lot of firsts around here. We introduced Mitchell to baby cereal about a month ago, but he really didn't take to it. We decided to give it a rest when he got sick and abandoned solids for a while. Now with teething and refusing bottles when the pain is bad, we're getting serious about solids again. Alyse had her first taste of cereal October 3rd. This morning, we moved onto sweet potatoes with the kids. At Busia's request, here's the 'messy' face photos. Admittedly, Alyse isn't all that messy. She's a surprisingly neat eater for a novice.

Mitchell on the other hand...

That's all for now.

Take care,
ZMA's mama


Anonymous said...

All the kids' photos are keepers but I love the look on Alyse's face as she wins the tug-o-toy battle. You go girl!

PJ Princesses Zoe and Rebecca also look like they are dreaming up some enchanting plan for the evening.

Thanks for sharing.

Crooked Lk Ln

Anonymous said...

Is is just me but why do Alyse and Mitchell look more like twins (harder to differentiate between the two) in photos then when I see them in person.

Anonymous said...

And can one be part of the sleepover with Rebecca and Zoe without wearing princess pjs?

Anonymous said...

To Auntie Tephs:

Crooked Lk Ln suggests princess pjs are mandatory for sleepover however these two cuties look like they could easily be bought off with gifts/sweets/surprises.

To rest of family:
Auntie Tephs needs princess pjs for Christmas this year.