
Fourth of July and A Day at Home

Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear America. Happy birthday to you.
Zoe sang that song at some point over the long Independence Day weekend. What a firecracker. Get it?

What did we do? Hmmm. Besides hanging out at Busia and Dziadzia's house ... we took Zoe to see really bad Beattles impersonators on Friday night (they played Yellow Submarine, so it was worth the trip for Zoe ... the elephant ear was a favorite, too) and the Bay City Fireworks spectacular on Saturday night ("I liked all the colors, but it was too loud," Zoe said).

Mitchell and Alyse didn't make those trips -- thanks to Busia and Dziadzia for watching them so we could take Zoe -- but they did make an appearance at Uncle Norman and Aunt Midge's anniversary party Saturday afternoon.

With all the kids dressed in their finest red-white-and-blue attire, Momma wanted to snap a family portrait:

In Sonja's words, ""Thirty shots and this is the best. We need a professional!" Someday soon.

Some more party pictures:

Zoe and her 'Aunt Tephs.'

Uncle Gordon showing off his formidable baby-holding skills.

Alyse and cousin Emily. Check back in four years and we'll likely have a photo of Alyse wearing that blue sundress Emily has on!

Aunt Midge (in her party hat) and SupaBusia helped out with dinner.

And here's Marissa, our hostess with the mostest, holding a very sleepy Mitchell.

It was a great weekend of frivolity ... and we were glad to be able to introduce the babies to some family members for the first time. We're all already looking forward to Family Reunion 2009.

Some of you may not know that I've rearranged my workload to spend most days at home with the kids. I've cut back to part-time at Domino's -- foregoing my previous designs tasks to work primarily as an editor/writer on the three publications we produce, much of which I do from home -- and picked up some additional evening hours for the Ann Arbor News.

Sonja, meanwhile, is back to work 30 hours per week and will be full-time again at the end of August. She often gets solo night shifts ... which I'm certain is the more difficult of the two.

The other day I sent Sonja these photos so she'd know what was going on at home ... and to let her know we were thinking of her:


Anonymous said...

Great pictures. The one where Zoe is reading books to her brother and sister.....is she pretending to be Ms. Monica? : ) Too cute.

Anonymous said...

Cousin Barb did a great job of calculating outfit sizes for the 4th of July. Way to go Barb! They looked so cute. :)

Anonymous said...

The picture of Mitchell second from the bottom looks just like Richard Scott in the picture I remember of him with the little blue outfit on (1 year old pic maybe?) They're just too darn adorable. Glad to see and hear all are doing well.

Stephanie said...

What a gorgeous family you guys have.