
Catching up...

A lot has happened in the three-and-a-half weeks since the last post: Two visits to Newaygo, my return to work (early, due to that darn best rest), a trip to Bay City and Mitchell and Alyse's two month check-up.

First, some pictures from Zoe's trip to my parents' house at the end of May, where she got some major spoiling.

Observe Zoe in her self-decorated ballerina outfit, courtesy of Honey. Now she thinks she's a ballerina princess! I'm sure Rich will be putting in some overtime playing catch with her to counteract this stage.

Enjoying the beach with cousin Danni:

Petting a stingray at John Ball Zoo. Notice how she has her tongue in her cheek. This means she's extremely proud of herself.

Until this visit to the zoo, we could rarely get her to pet anything more wild than Busia and Dziadzia's cats or my sister's small dog. Quite a step for her. As I was told, it took a bit of coaxing and a lot of patience.

Honey, Aunt Shane and Danni started Zoe in the petting zoo and worked her up to this....

What happened to ponies?

Thanks to the family for showing her such a great time.
As I've mentioned, I don't know where we'd be without all the help we've received the past two months. This includes Monday visits from The Good Doctor and Wednesday visits (which often extend into Thursday ... or Friday) from Busia. Here she is on one of those visits. I left her alone with the three kids to run errands and came home to find two sleeping babies and a happy 3-year-old. Ahhhhhh! What a pro.

The second week of June we all trekked to Newaygo. Rich was supposed to go on his annual kayaking trip with the guys from the News. They kayak the Pine River and camp in a town about 30 minutes from my parents. Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate and his kayak remained fastened to the top of our mini-van. While Dad rode out the storms, Mitchell and Alyse got acquainted with some of their cousins.

Cousin Sam was more than happy to take a baby off my hands and soon had Mitchell chuckling.

Seeing a cute photo op, I plopped Alyse in cousin Sid's arms. He was decidedly less enthused about holding a baby (I believe his exact words were, "Could you take this baby NOW?"). Despite that fact, Alyse tried to charm him with her sweet smile.

Zoe spent every morning at Honey's in her favorite spot...the hammock swing.

This past Sunday was not only Father's Day, but also the day we took a trip to Bay City to celebrate Busia and Dziadzia's June birthdays.

The trip enabled Mitchell and Alyse to meet their great-grandmother, SupaBusia!

Zoe kept busy playing lawn darts with Dziadzia, petting her 'best friend' Calico...

... and running through the sprinkler.

Mitchell had a good time grinning for the family (Thanks for holding up my head, Dad)!

As did Alyse.

The birthday boy and girl.

A final bit of news. Mitchell and Alyse had their two-month check-up on Monday (they are nine weeks). Mitchell tips the scales at 10 lbs. 7 oz. and is 22.75 inches tall. A gain of 9 ounces and 1.75 inches.

Ms. Alyse checked in at a mere 9 lbs. 4 oz. and 22.5 inches tall. A gain of 3 oz. and 1.75 inches.

Both kids remain in the 50th percentile for weight and the 25th for height for their actual age and 75th and 50th for their adjusted age (the age they would be if they were born on their due date).

That's all for now. Take care.
ZMA's mama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like it's going to be (and is) a busy FUN summer.
