
Happy Memorial Day!

Hope you all enjoyed a long, restful weekend. We stuck close to home and explored our new town. Rich can't remember the last time he's had four days off from both jobs, so R and R was in order.

Friday, we took a leisurely (is that the right word when spending the day with two newborns and a pre-schooler??) walk downtown. We browsed a few shops and then headed to one of Zoe's favorite places, The Treehouse, to play and grab some lunch.

Before we left home, I snapped a couple of pictures of the twins playing on the floor. Alyse was more interested in looking at Mitchell than playing.

Oh, how they've grown. Modeling a couple of outfits from Busia.

Saturday, Rich, Dziadzia and Zoe met up with Uncle Nawwman at a U of M baseball game. Zoe was thrilled to pull out the appropriate T-shirt for the occasion.

Sunday, we decided to have a picnic at another of Zoe's favorite places, Timbertown. Here's a picture of Zoe and Mitchell before we left.

Mitchell and Alyse weren't that impressed by Zoe's favorite places. Here's what they did most of the time...

while Zoe spent most of her time doing this...

... and this:

Editor's note: Before Sonja went to bed tonight, she said "I put some pictures and words on the blog. Will you see if the words make sense?" I thought they did ... didn't you? But that's kind of our mindset lately ... everything is a little fuzzy. Like starting to question your ability to string together consecutive comprehendable sentences. That's particularly worrisome for somebody who gets paid to string together consecutive comprehendable sentences.
Anyway ... I also wanted to chime in here to wish my lovely wife a happy seventh anniversary (in case I forget by the time we wake up that Tuesday is our anniversary!!).


Anonymous said...

Happy to see you all got out this past holiday weekend. Great pictures. Was the park the one in Ann Arbor? Looked a little familiar.

PS. Happy 7th Anniversary.

Unknown said...

Hi Guys! Love the pictures! The one of Zoe blowing the "flower" is precious. FYI- Twins usually hate being called "the twins"! Glad to hear all is well! Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Kind of scary that Mitchell looks almost as long as Zoe when she's angled a bit. I have a feeling these two won't grow as leisurely as Zoe did.