
So, yeah. Twins. They're a little bit of work.

We've been quite fortunate, actually. Friends and neighbors have been dropping off dinners and both of our mothers, along with Sonja's sisters Shawn and Shane, have camped out in the soon-to-be-twins-room for an extended stay.

Just when we get everything down to a science, those things will disappear and we'll start learning new routines all over again!

But moments like this (particularly because they're sleeping simultaneously!) make it all worth it:

Tummy time is fun, too:

So, let's get to know our new additions a little better. (It's important to stress individuality in twins, you know.)

First Mitchell Dodson. Some of you may remember that Sonja and I met while I lived near Lake Mitchell. Therein lies the significance of his first name. The middle name, as many of you know, is my way of honoring my entire family... I had an idyllic childhood growing up on Dodson Court.

Mitchell is all boy. It's striking how much more aggressive and animated his actions are compared to Alyse (and Zoe as an infant). Just as he's about to latch on for a meal, he gives his head a quick and violent shake -- like a lion snapping the neck of an ibis it just chased down. (Hyperbole alert!)

Sonja's very into doctor visit statistics, so I'm supposed to report that as of Monday he surpassed his birth weight and is checking in at 6 pounds, 12 ounces.

Here's a couple pictures of baby boy:

Next up, Alyse Jocelyn. I hope she doesn't have name envy some day, but the significance ends at "names we liked." I, personally, liked the potential for A.J., although I don't think I've called her that once yet.

A while back, Sonja said "if we hadn't already had a baby exactly like her, I'd be worried about her." Like Zoe was, Alyse is calm, cool and deliberate in her actions. She wakes up from a nap slowly and looks around the room, waiting for somebody to notice that she would appreciate some attention.

She was up to 6 pounds, 7 ounces on Monday.

She's also considerably more photogenic:

As long as we're talking about kids, we might as well mention the 3-year-old running around the house.

Zoe has been absolutely great with her brother and sister. In fact, we're only worried that she might love them a little too hard ... like the neighbor's fish that a young Sonja hugged to death. There's constant kissing and hugging and touching. We're working hard to explain that such things should only happen during "awake time," but it's not always the case yet.

She's really not showing any jealousy toward them, which has been a pleasant surprise. About the only issue has been some meltdowns around her bedtime, we're assuming because her rituals with Mommy and Daddy have been truncated.

Ten days after the twins' birth was Zoe's third birthday. She got two parties, on consecutive Saturdays, with each side of her family.

First up was Mom's family, with a Princess theme. Much to Daddy's chagrin, she's very into princesses right now:

One of her gifts were these "big girl fancy shoes." She's now a more accomplished high-heel walker than her mother.The following Saturday, Dad's family was in town and a Dora-mixed-with-Princess party ensued.

For some reason, Zoe chose to wear her CMU cheerleader outfit that day. It's a hand-me-down from cousin Stacy, purchased while Mommy was a student there. So, we got a shot of all the former Chippewas in the house.

Zoe had her 3-year checkup, too. She's sitting at 37 inches (50th percentile) and 28.5 pounds (25th percentile). Still a wee lass, but catching up nicely.

That's about it for now. We'll post again when we have time ... probably right after Mitchell and Alyse's eighth-grade graduation.


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures and a nice story. Sounds like Zoe is a great big sister to the twins.
Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the pictures! They still look like the babies I left weeks ago! SO CUTE!
Ya know, it seems like just yesterday Stacy was wearing that CMU cheerleading outfit. Brings back lots of memories!
Love you all on Savannah (Zoe's future daughter's name!) hahaha
Aunt Shawnie

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Granted, Alyse is very photogentic but Mitchell is the handsomest little baby boy that I've seen in some 30 odd years. Great pictures of everyone.

Anonymous said...

The new pics are great! Alyse looks like big sister Zoe and Mitchell is very photogenic too. I love all the hair. Happy Birthday to Zoe too. Big sister is definitely a "princess".
Cousin Karen

Emily and Zachary's mom said...

Hey daddy, ease up on the chagrin. Wait till Zoe wants to show her belly. Or Mitchell wants to wear pink flowery underpants. (Emily's best friend at daycare can kick any boy's behind wearing those kinds of shoes. And Emily's dziadz would call Zoe's CMU outfit a "soccer outfit".)

Anonymous said...

Great photos of all the kids. Glad to hear all is well on Savannah Ln.

Crooked Lk Ln

Anonymous said...

Holey Smokes...Zoe looks like she is growing up quite nicely!!! (it all goes by too fast!!) I agree with the belly shirt comment from Maris. Luckily BJ never really wanted to wear pink flowery underpants. The babies are very cute, too. Looks like one big happy, healthy family!! Cant wait to hear more stories!!


sarahkate60120 said...

So great to see the update and the new pictures. I have to agree with the others who said that Alyse looks like Zoe. All three kids look great. Can't wait to see them in person. It looks like we will finally get home for a week in August. Do you think you's be up for a visit from the Chinese Tornado by then?

Julie Anne & Anna

Anonymous said...

The Indians fan in me is NOT diggin' the Twins cap there sweetpants!!

Cobbler Ct.