
First Bath (sort of)

The twins are a month old tomorrow. Time is really moving fast. We've already had a lot of firsts happen, but this weekend they took their first bath. Of course, they've had plenty of sponge baths. This was their first bath in Zoe's old baby tub. We were patiently waiting for the remainder of brother's umbilical cord to fall off. Sister's stub fell off about two weeks ago while brothers just kept hanging on.

Like Zoe, these kids have a lot of hair. That means they tend to look like Greasers the day after a bath, so I was really hoping they wouldn't totally hate the water, making frequent shampoos a nightmare. Here's a picture of our Zo-zo taking her first bath, just days after coming home, still beat up from her grueling entrance into the world and looking a bit unsure of what was happening to her.

Alyse had a similar reaction. Unsure what to think, but calm throughout.

Mitchell didn't seem to mind the his bath too much, either, though he also found it a bit nerve-wracking. Luckily, he found his thumb which acted as a stand-in for his trusty pacifier and soothed away any lingering fears.

Gotta love first bath pictures!

Take care,
ZMA's mama


Anonymous said...

Look at those little tummies. Gonna be in 3 month clothes before you know it. Too cute.

ZMA's Busia

PS. Sonja, hope you don't mind me stealing some of your signature.

Anonymous said...

Aww, Alyse just looks so dainty and feminine - like she barely makes a peep. Is that true? :) Mitchell looks so much like Richard Scott to me. Thought so in the first baby pics, think so even more now with these. Gotta be having lots of fun these days. Hope you had a great Mother's Day Sonja.
Cousin Cindy

Rylie's Dad said...

Absolutely adorable!

Anonymous said...

Looked like two little ones loved their baths. They sure changed in looks in the last couple of weeks or maybe its because they have their eyes opened more in these pictures. Can't wait to see them both.
Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Nice pics....no one dropped a duece?

You win!

Cobbler Ct.