
Welcome to our new home on the Web!

We're glad you found our new blog address! We'll get some new pictures and stories up very soon.

Gotta run... babies crying!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture of Zoe with her sister and brother. Very nice picture.Got myself all set up with this blog site now. Thanks.
Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Richard and Sonja....
What a beautiful picture! And look at all the hair. :) Can't wait for more pics.
Cousin Karen

Anonymous said...

Richard and Sonja....
What a beautiful picture! And look at all the hair. :) Can't wait for more pics.
Cousin Karen

Anonymous said...

OHHH! That is a great photo!! Can't wait to see more!!

Hope all is well!!


Anonymous said...

Love the new format. Nice and colorful. Grandchildren look pretty cute too. :)


Emily and Zachary's mom said...

Of course it's a beautiful photo! And Zoe is smiling... that's a good thing! I'll infer she's happy to be a big sister and you've had no eye-poking or head-bopping incidents...

Big Daddy said...

Well, there was the head-bopping incident immediately after Daddy had the great idea for this head-to-head photo.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful babies (and big sister!) Hope all is well. Let us know if you need any help with anything at all.

Anonymous said...

Very cute photo. New site is now in my "favorites".

Crooked Lk Ln

Anonymous said...

Love the name of your new site... The pics of your kiddies are too cute. Mini vans are awesome!

Anonymous said...

I absolutly love the new site and the picture of the kids is so cute that I copied it and have it on the picture table! they are just beautiful kids (of course)
Love you all
Aunt Shawnie!