
35 Weeks and Counting

We've made it past 35 weeks and had a doctor's appointment and an ultrasound since the last post. At my last check, there was no significant change. It looks like brother and sister are, again, content in their cramped quarters.

Today we had an ultrasound. The babies are estimated to be 5 lbs. 11 oz. each, but there is up to one-pound margin of error. Hopefully they are more than less and we won't be needing those preemie clothes long at all!

Here's a picture of my 35-week belly, taken a few days ago. My mom says pictures don't do my girth justice, but consider more than 11 pounds of baby and "stuff" hanging out on my 5' 4" frame and you'll get the idea.

Zoe has been patiently waiting for brother and sister. We're trying to keep her routine as normal as possible, despite the fact that I can't do much for her. She's adjusting to bedtime cuddles and books in Mommy and Daddy's bed rather than in her bedroom and she fully expects me to be sitting in the same chair whenever she arrives home from daycare. She enjoys her new jobs of waking me up every morning and bringing me my socks and sweatpants, picking up whatever I clumsily drop and setting the table for dinner. She says when she grows up, she's going to be a helper!

Other things haven't changed so much. She still loves doing her art projects. Earlier today, Zoe used every kind of paint and marker she had on every kind of paper. When she lost interest in that, she found some new canvas...

As I type this, Honey and Zoe recently returned from a walk and are getting ready to make muffins. The twins are curled up tightly, taking a snooze. It's been a good day.


Anonymous said...

Where were those fabulous bingo dobbers when my kids were little?
Chris and Jen and many of their cousins sure missed out on that little invention.

Glad to hear mom and little ones are doing well. Zoe looks like she is having a ball with Grandma Honey while she waits for her brother and sister.

Crooked Lake Lane

sarahkate60120 said...

So glad to hear all is well. Anna has her Grammy here and was doing the exact same thing to her yesterday!

Remember I said the 11th for the twins. If you could just hold out for another week.

Julie Anne

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all is well down there. Sonja you look beautiful! I hope Julie Ann is correct with her date, great-aunt Maureen would love to have the twins born on her birthday!
Cousin Karen

Unknown said...

CUTE! That gives me a great idea to get those BINGO things! I love the orange colr- we have that on one wallin our kitchen and in Garretts room! (Orange is his fav color!!) I'm so glad your Mom can be there! And you look great- I couldn't wear my rings wen I was preg I was so puffy! We will be thinking about you!