
Way To Grow!

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's been a while (besides the belly shot), so I wanted to post an update on 'Brotha' and 'Sista' (as Zoe would say). I had my monthly ultrasound today to check their weights. I'm thrilled to say that our two little peanuts are still growing at the rate of a singleton and topped out at 2 lbs. 10 oz. and 2 lbs. 14 oz. The tech said that with weights that close (they were only 3 ounces apart last time) and with the margin of error, it's likely they are the same weight. Last time the boy was larger, this time it was the girl.

They were very active today, so it was hard to get good pictures. Plus, baby boy's face was turned toward my spine. Baby girl did give us a nice profile and even turned to look right at us. I won't bother posting that since it looks pretty much like the profile posted in October, just more smushed.

I also witnessed our darling babies burgeoning sibling rivalry! The tech managed to capture it too.

Allow me to explain what is happening in the photo (above) since to most it will only appear as a blob of black and white. Brother is kicking the crap out of Sister's head! I counted four kicks in the minute the wand was poised above them. I started to really feel so sorry for my poor little girl until we switched views and the tech pointed out this...

Sister boxing Brother's head like a prize-fighter. For every kick she got, she gave a left or right hook. Now I understand why my stomach often looks like that scene in Alien! You may ask how her hands were at his head when his feet are in her face? The tech explained something about her laying more sideways and the lack of room, but I still couldn't quite picture it. Sure hope they can hash things out In Utero!

Take care,
Zoe's mama


Anonymous said...

Where is the referee or umpire with whistle when Momma needs one the most? Seems like Sonja/Momma is experiencing her own personal edition of Friday Night Fights.
I'm betting on Baby Girl/ Sista/Spaghetti in round six.

Crooked Lk Ln

Anonymous said...

If the twins are going to continue with all this fighting once they are born, it's a good thing Zoe is here to be the referee. Or, they just might get it all out of their systems before then. :)

Zoe's Busia

Anonymous said...

HEY! Do I have to come in there?


Emily and Zachary's mom said...

Remember this once they're born... and they're separated and can't/won't sleep. Plop them (so to speak) head to foot and maybe that'll do the trick.

Anonymous said...

Which one is saying "Float like a butterfly, Sting like a bee...."?


Anonymous said...

I don't know how they can tell if something is a hand. It looks like a big blob to me!