
Zoe's second-favorite fat guy

For starters, thank Rich for the witty title.

As you can see from the picture, Santa was a hit this year!

It did take quite a bit of preparation on our part. We started talking up Santa a couple weeks before this visit. Unfortunately, it backfired on us. Zoe decided she didn't like Santa and in her own words, she wished "he was tiny!" She even had a couple nightmares after our Santa talks in which Santa was peering in the window.

On to plan B.

I started taping Christmas shows and we went online and found a few different Christmas sites that show the North Pole, Santa's workshop, Santa doing some humiliating dances, etc. She loved them all and pretty soon, a 2007 Santa picture seemed like a possibility. However, on the day we planned to visit him, she flat-out told me she wouldn't be talking to him and that I could tell him what she wanted. Still, we headed to the mall.

I figured maybe, after a couple of visits, she'd warm to the idea. When we arrived, we did a drive-by. Santa waved and she waved back (progress already). Next, I fed her her favorite soft pretzels and let her ride on those mall rides that she asks me about every time we're there. One more drive-by and another friendly exchange and then we were off to the play-area.

Crap! Some burly kid (okay, he was only about one and a half) ran into her -- waterworks. I figured the day was a bust. Instead, after loading her into the stroller she says, "I need to talk to Santa!" Another mother within earshot says, "I'd run if I were you! My five-year old still won't go near him." Off we went.

I still thought there was no way, but luckily a Santa-savvy little girl was ahead of us. With her computer-generated list, she was off to sit on Santa's lap. Santa listened intently as she rattled off her mile-long list of wishes and mugged for the camera to the applause of her mother and the elves that stood by the camera man. That did it! Zoe was hooked.

Our turn came and I carried her up. I was shocked when Zoe let me get that close. I was even more shocked when she answered all of his questions."Tell Santa what you want for Christmas." Zoe's answer: "Toys." A bit general, don't you think? She needs some pointers from Santa-savvy girl. I was absolutely floored when he asked if she'd sit on his lap for a picture and she nodded yes! So much, in fact, that the camera man had to ask me to move. But she did it! Huge grin and all.

After the picture, she gave Santa a high-five and a hug. On the drive home she said, "Mama, I'm proud of me!" Then she talked about it all the way home and for the two days that followed. Now she says Santa is her friend.

Take Care,

Zoe's mama


Anonymous said...

Great story! Great photo for the mantel of the new fireplace!

Crooked Lk Ln

sarahkate said...

I love the picture! All Anna would give Santa was a high five and a dirty look. Maybe next year.


Anonymous said...

Zoe's Busia is very proud of her also. Can't wait to hear the story straight from the brave one's little mouth.

PS. And that smile could melt all the snow at the north pole.

amy said...

jack had the opposite reaction - his picture was so hilarious i almost bought it - only because he was screaming his head off like i had put him onto a lap of fire and knives....

Anonymous said...

Aww, best Santa story I've heard in a long time, and better than any Santa picture smile Katie ever did - what a wonderful picture! And even better was her phrase "I'm proud of me!" As a parent I know it doesn't get much better than that. Thanks for the smile tonight.

Anonymous said...

"Lap of fire and knives."

Note to self... avoid outings with Amy.

Cobbler Ct.

Emily and Zachary's mom said...

Definitely the best Santa picture we've ever had! This was the first year Emily would go near the man!

Anonymous said...

Oh my this little girl is growing much to fast. But such a cute picture and good job mom on getting her ready for it. Never heard a story like this before and it was a good one too. Aunt kathy

Emily and Zachary's mom said...

Oh, this wasn't good. Emily and I were looking at the blog and I said "Emily, want to see Zoe w/ Santa??". And before it was out of my mouth, I though "OH NO. NO. NO." She looked at the picture and said "Does Zoe have a different Santa than us?".... well, we're still working on that.

Emily and Zachary's mom said...
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Anonymous said...

Marissa, you could have told Emily that Santa got his hair cut and his beard trimmed for the holidays. (Thought your Santa had a little longer and fuller beard.)