
Kids say...

A conversation between Zoe and I this morning, in the driveway preparing to run some errands:

Zoe: "Are we going in daddy's truck or momma's car?"

Me: "Momma's car."

Zoe: "Do you have momma's keys?"

Me: "Yes."

Zoe: "Let me smell."

Me: "What?!?"

Zoe: "Let me smell."

Me: "That's what I thought you said."

I lower my hand to Zoe-nose level. She sniffs.

Zoe: "Those are daddy's keys."

She was right. Kids are weird.


Anonymous said...

That was a "bust out loud laughing" story. Thanks for my chuckle of the night.

Zoe's Busia

PS. Kids say the darnest things.

Anonymous said...


What the heck are you doing up at 1:27 AM? Now I know where Rich gets it! :)

Emily and Zachary's mom said...

Definitely a bust-out-laughing-story! And yet begs the question... what exactly does Daddy's keys smell like? Thanks for a great (well better anyway) start to a Monday.

Anonymous said...

If they're daddy's keys they MUST smell of wintergreen. What's the issue?

Cobbler Ct.

Anonymous said...

I know no one will admit it but after reading this blog entry some of you must have raced to find your keys and your spouse's keys and began the sniffing process. If you didn't actually do it- you thought about it.

Crooked Lk Ln

Anonymous said...

Where does this little girl get her stories from?? She is really a good story teller. Love to hear some more of them. Aunt Kathy

PS It really made me laugh!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Humm I wonder where she gets her sensitive nose from? Can't wait until she gags at someone passing her in the stores, she certainly is lik her mommy isn't she. Love you, Honeygram

Anonymous said...

Kids. Crazy, right?!?

KF, Spartans are #1!