
Happy Birthday, Busia!

Zoe and I took a quick drive to surprise Busia on her birthday today. 44th, I think it is.
The "surprise" portion of the equation sort of worked. As we planned on the drive down River Road, Busia was supposed to be in the house so Zoe could ring the doorbell and wait on the porch. Instead, she was in the driveway watering flowers when we pulled in. At least we have a relatively new car, so there was a moment of "Who the heck is..." before the cat was out of the bag.

Zoe had a short but great time with Busia and Dziadzia. She helped blow out candles, sang Happa BaBa six or seven times, and then spit out a bite of frosting (that's what's going on in the photo). Too sweet. Later, she spit out some Teddy Grahams. Too sweet. We had some green beans when we got home.

I swear, if she didn't look just like me...


Anonymous said...

Best birthday present of the day.

Zoe's Busia

Anonymous said...

Next time get the cake with the butter cream frosting. That nasty whipped stuff will make most anybody gag!
What a wonderful surprise for Busia! Fatherhood must be bringing out the "softie" in you...