
Two Year Check-Up

What a difference a year makes.

Here's a picture of Zoe a year ago and today, at her two year check-up.

She's now 34.5 inches tall (55th percentile) and back on the charts for weight at 24 lbs., 8 oz. (27th percentile). She's grown 4.5 inches and gained 7 lbs., 5 oz. since her one year check-up. Good job, Noodle!

After hearing her current height, I was hoping it was true that doubling a child's height at age two will predict their height in adulthood... sadly, it is not believed to be accurate at all. Darn! I was so excited at the prospect of my child not having to wear pants with an S or P after the size (that means short or petite for all you giants). After a little searching on the Web, I found a site that gives a couple methods for predicting height. By most calculations, it looks like Zoe could be 5'5 1/2". That'd be tall for my family. Of course, they have to add the disclaimer: While this method is fairly accurate, the child's ultimate height can vary by as much as five inches above or below this calculation. Really? Well that's about as accurate as me throwing a dart. Still, if she's in the 55th percentile now and continues on the curve, the calculation seems realistic.

She actually seemed to enjoy her visit with Dr. Turke this time. She walked confidently into the office and greeted the nurse with, "Yo-yo wants docta tacky!" (translation: "Zoe wants a doctor cracker"). Our doctor gives the kids graham crackers when they finish with their examinations. For some reason, this is a big treat... though she will usually turn her nose up if offered one at home.

She must remember that the nurse administers the 'ouches' because as soon as she started taking her weight and height, Zoe was in tears. When she left, the waterworks stopped and she happily explored the room and, for some reason, proceeded to name every body part.

When Dr. Turke came in to begin her check-up, she reminded him that he owed her a cracker (several times) and then, surprisingly, let him do the whole check-up without a single objection. She even laid down on the crinkly paper and did not object when he poked around her tummy and stuck the light in her ears and nose.

Then came the 'developmental' part of the check-up. All the usual questions regarding language skills, motor skills, etc. He was especially impressed that she's counting and knows a few colors consistently. Of course, she refused to demonstrate any of her abilities until he left the room and she began to loudly count the wolves painted on the wall (one, two, tee, pfour, pfive, seeeex...). Dr. Turke heard the whole thing from his adjacent office, popped his head back into the room and said, "I heard that!" Zoe buried her head and acted embarrassed. He told her she was a smart little girl and she seemed to be proud after the compliment. After that, as he ran through a couple checks of her motor skills, she would yell, "YEAH, ZOE" after accomplishing each simple task.

Once the doctor left I set about preparing both of us for the first shot without daddy present. The nurse came in with her little tray and Zoe looked at me like, "This is why I don't like that woman!" I told Zoe that she was going to get some medicine in her leg that would keep her healthy and strong. Then came the crappy part, having to brace your kid. Believe it or not, no tears... from me. Zoe cried for about a minute and then immediately stopped when she got the bunny "ticky" (band-aid) on her leg and Dr. Turke re-appeared with her 'tacky.'

So, all is well with our little toddler. She got her 'tacky' and mumbled a quiet 'tankyou' (all one mashed-up word).

Take Care,
Zoe's mama


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Mommy for making it through the "injection" portion of the exam without tears or a "tacky". You should have gotten one too.

Good report Zoe! You "grow" girl!

Crooked Lk Ln

Anonymous said...

I loved the comparison photos. I can't believe the difference in one year. Can't wait to see her at three. (but not to quickly of course).
Happy to hear she is one healthy little girl.

Anonymous said...

I am SO PROUD of MOMMY! And Zoe of course! No tears for you Sonja is a big deal! She sure is a big girl now, and so so so CUTE!!! Sure miss you guys. And hey about the height part...gee if she is 5'0 she is taking after your family and if she is 5'5 after her Daddy's, I guess you know as much after your research than you did before...you do know that Cousin Stacy was spose to be TALL....like 5'6!!! She is a whoppin' 5'0. I will pray for Zoe tho! love Aunt Shawnie

Emily and Zachary's mom said...

Happy birthday to Zoe! I can't believe how big she's getting! (She must be 6" taller than Zachary!) Emily can't wait to see her!

Anonymous said...